

11月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[笔试应聘四要点]1、复习知识 对大学专业知识进行必要复习是笔试准备的重要方式。一般说来笔试都有大体的范围,可围绕这个范围翻阅一些有关图书资料,复习巩固所学过的课程内容,温故知新,做到心中...+阅读


400 East 7th StreetHome: (215) 557-4563

Lansdale, PA 19407 Office: (215) 883-9856

April 18, 2005

Ms. Ja N. Morse

Vice President of Human Resourses

The Utica Corporation

100 Woodlawn Avenue

Utica, NY 27716

Dear Mr. Morse:

I am currently seeking a postion as Training and Development Manager for a medium-sized manufacturing pany. I am a hands-on, results-oriented leader with a prehensive background in training design, development and delivery. The enclosed resume details the specifics of my experience and acplishments.

My background spans(跨越) over ten years of diverse training and development experience, providing support to a variety of functional clients. In all cases I he been successful in getting strong client support and ownership of the programs delivered. The following highlights some of my key acplishments:

-Directed training of 200 person field sales anization for a major electronics distribution pany

-Used assessment methodology as the basis for constructing high performance models for certain key management jobs. Assessed key managers against these models as the basis for defining key management needs/priorities.

-Desingned and delivered panys first highly successful introductory course to total quality management-over500 managers trained across3 divisions.

-Developed methodology for linking training needs with business strategy,and put in place a reliable method for providing quantitative measurement of the effectiveness of management training and development programs.

Based upon my job experience and educational qualifications, I am confident that I can bring effective leadership to your training function and improve the overall human resource effectiveness and productivity of your pany. I would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss my credentials with you during a face-to-face interview.

I hope to hear from you shortly.

Yours very truly,


Carolyn A. Beatty



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