
如何谈判薪水salary negotiation

11月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[工作带给人生的远不止薪水]工作带给人生的远不止薪水 1、经验 对工作有益的经历,才能称为职场经验。当你失去所有有形的资产后,你仍然可以东山再起,因为你有经验。工作带给我们最有益的,就是经验。 2、训...+阅读


--How much salary do you want?

--What is your current salary?

--What is your salary in your previous job?

--OK, I don't care how much you earn in the past, tell me how much salary do you want.

--How much salary will make you happy to join us?


-- I am open.

-- I want  xxxx.

-- I don't know.

-- I don't care.


1) 如果你是新手,没有工作经验的话

I fully understand how challenging this position is and how important it is for the pany. After the previous interview, I am sure there is a perfect match between my education background and the requirement for this position. I am very confident I can do the job well. Since you are the HR/Manager, you must know the budget, would you please let me know what is the salary range for this position?

HR: the range is between  xxxx and  xxxx

Answer: Thanks for letting me kn

ow. Based on my quality and my background, I am definitely on the higher end. I will be very happy to start from there.

HR: We can't tell you the range.

Answer: Fully understand. Since you are the expert for HR, I am sure there are many other similar positions in the pany, would you please let me know what is the salary range for the similar position in the pany?

2) 如果你是高级技术人员, 并且有工作而且你对你的技术很有信心的话:

I fully understand how challenging this position is and how important it is for the pany. I anticipate I can use my expertise to make contribution for the pany from day one. As you can see, with my background and experience, I he a very petitive salary so far, would you please let me know what is the salary range for this position?

HR: the range is  xxxx to  xxxx

Answer: I am definitely in the higher end, we can start from there.



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