
走遍美国教学视频文本32:A Place of Our Own ACTII

11月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[美国毕业生起薪人均下降]Those who are graduating in the spring and land a job will see erage starting salary offers fall 1.7% from last year to $47,673, according to the National Assoc...+阅读


I remember your parents first house very well. 我还清楚记得你父母的第一栋房子。

It was on Spring Avenue, near the park. 那房子是在Spring Avenue 公园附近。

I grew up in that house. 我就在那栋房子里长大的。

Yes, and you were such a cute baby. 对,你当时是个很逗人喜爱的婴儿。

Ive seen pictures of him. 我见过他的照片。

He had blond hair. 他原来是金色头发。

Ive been friendly with the Stewart family 我和Stewart家处得很好

for a long time, 很久了,

so its my pleasure 所以现在我很乐意

to help you find a house now. 帮助你们找房子。

Well, were not sure we can afford one. 嗯,我们还不知道我们是不是负担得起。

But wed like to find out 但我们想知道

about the possibilities. 有多大的可能性。

Thats a good idea. 这是个好主意。

I love your house on Linden Street. 我喜欢你们家在Linden街的房子。

I sold your father that house seventeen years ago. 十七年前是我把那栋房子卖给你父亲的。

Really? 真的?

Yes, Mom was pregnant with Robbie then, 是的,那时妈妈怀着Robbie,

and they needed the extra room. 他们需要多一些空间.

I hear youre expecting a baby, Mrs. Stewart. 我听说你们快有小孩了,Stewart太太.

Mmm-hmm. 嗯。

So we will be needing more room. 所以我们也将需要更大的空间.

Oh, so you dont need something immediately? 呵,所以你们不是急着马上就要买房子。

No. But in five or six months ... 不急。但是在五六个月后

And time passes so quickly. 可是时间过得很快。

Yes, it does. 是的,确实如此。

Well, when you called, 嗯,你们打电话来,

you ge me enough information 已经给了我充分的的资料

about your salaries and your sings. 关于薪资和储蓄。

So I he a good idea about your financial situation. 所以我对你们的的财务状况很了解。

Let me show you some pictures of houses. 我来给你们看看一些房子的照片。

With two bedrooms? 有两间卧室吗?

Yes, I think I can show you some. 是的,我想我有一些房子给你们看。

Of course, they wont be in Riverdale. 当然这些房子不在Riverdale。

The cost of housings too high for you here. 这儿的房子对你们来说太贵了

I hent thought about living anywhere else. 我还没有考虑要住到别的地方去。

Weve always lived in this area. 我们一直住在这个地区。

Where should we look for a house, Mrs. Martinelli? 我们应该到什么地方找房子,Martinelli太太?

Well, we he an office in Mount Kisco. 好,我们在Mount Kisco有个办事处。

Its a lovely area, 那是个可爱的地方,

and its only about an hours drive from here. 而且从此地到那儿只有大约一小时的车程。


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