
职场英语:First paid salary

12月05日 编辑 fanwen51.com

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职场英语:First paid salary

The Roman word salariumSimilarly, the Roman word salarium linked employment, salt and soldiers, but the exact link is unclear. The least mon theory is that the word soldier itself es from the Latin sal dare (to give salt). Alternatively, the Roman historian Pliny the Elder stated as an aside in his Natural History's discussion of sea water, that [I]n Rome. . .the soldier's pay was originally salt and the word salary derives from it. . . Plinius Naturalis Historia XXXI. Others note that soldier more likely derives from the gold solidus, with which soldiers were known to he been paid, and maintain instead that the salarium was either an allowance for the purchase of salt or the price of hing soldiers conquer salt supplies and guard the Salt Roads (Via Salarium) that led to Rome.

[edit] Payment in the Roman empire and medieval and pre-industrial EuropeRegardless of the exact connection, the salarium paid to Roman soldiers has defined a form of work-for-hire ever since in the Western world, and ge rise to such expressions as being worth one's salt.

Yet within the Roman Empire or (later) medieval and pre-industrial Europe and its mercantile colonies, salaried employment appears to he been relatively rare and mostly limited to servants and higher status roles, especially in government service. Such roles were largely remunerated by the provision of lodging and food, and livery clothes, but cash was also paid. Many courtiers, such as valets de chambre in late medieval courts were paid annual amounts, sometimes supplemented by large if unpredictable extra payments. At the other end of the social scale, those in many forms of employment either received no pay, as with slery (though many sles were paid some money at least), serfdom, and indentured servitude, or received only a fraction of what was produced, as with sharecropping. Other mon alternative models of work included self- or co-operative employment, as with masters in artisan guilds, who often had salaried assistants, or corporate work and ownership, as with medieval universities and monasteries.

[edit] Payment during the mercial RevolutionEven many of the jobs initially created by the mercial Revolution in the years from 1520 to 1650 and later during Industrialisation in the 18th and 19th centuries would not he been salaried, but, to the extent they were paid as employees, probably paid an hourly or daily wage or paid per unit produced (also called piece work).

[edit] Share in earnings as paymentIn corporations of this time, such as the several East India panies, many managers would he been remunerated as owner-shareholders. Such a remuneration scheme is still mon today in accounting, investment, and law firm partnerships where the leading professionals are equity partners, and do not technically receive a salary, but rather make a periodic draw against their share of annual earnings.

[edit] The Second Industrial Revolution and salaried paymentFrom 1870 to 1930, the Second Industrial Revolution ge rise to the modern business corporation powered by railroads, electricity and the telegraph and telephone. This era saw the widespread emergence of a class of salaried executives and administrators who served the new, large-scale enterprises being created.

New managerial jobs lent themselves to salaried employment, in part because the effort and output of office work were hard to measure hourly or piecewise, and in part because they did not necessarily draw remuneration from share ownership.



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