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[酒店英语口语学习手册之总机日常用语]1. 请问您贵姓?对不起,请您重复一次好吗? May I he your name?/Would you give me your name? I beg your pardon? ( Pardon , please? ) 2. 请拼出客人的名字好吗? How to spell...+阅读

Dialogue Ⅱ:

G: Waiter! 服务员!

W: Yes, sir, is there anything else you would like to he? 先生,您还要点什么吗?

G: No, thank you. Where can I pay my bill? 不用了,谢谢,哪里可以付帐?

W: You may pay at your table, sir. Here is your bill. Would you like to check it? 在这里就可以,先生,这是您的帐单。

G: Yes. Well, its 75 yuan. Does it include the service charge? 75元,包括服务费了吗?

W: Yes, it does. Let me break it down for you. The steak is 38 yuan, the green bean is 10yuan and the beer is 20 yuan, which es to 68 yuan, plus 10% service charge. So the total is 75yuan.是的,我来给您算算看,牛排38元,青豆10元,啤酒20元,一共68元,再加上10%的服务费,总共75元。

G: Thats all right. 好的。

W: Are you staying in our hotel ? 您是我们酒店的住客吗?

G: Yes, Im Jerry Wang in room 789. 是的,我叫Jerry Wang,住789号房。

W: Ok, Mr. Wang, please sign your name here, well put it onto your bills. Is that OK? 好的,王先生,请在这里签名,我们把它挂在房帐上。

G: Thats fine . Thank you. 好的,谢谢。

W: Thank you for ing. Please e again, good-bye. 谢谢光临,希望再次光临,再见。

G: Good-bye . 再见。

Daily English

Exchanging Conventional Greetings寒暄

Let me introduce myself: Im Judy, a waitress in the restaurant. 我介绍一下自己吧,我叫JUDY,是本餐厅的服务员。

Or: May I introduce myself?

This is my colleague, Jack Wang. 这是我的同事JACK。

Ive often heard about you. 我经常听人说起你。

Your name just doesnt e to me. 我就是想不起你的名字来。

Your look familiar, he we met before? 你看起来好眼熟,我们以前见过面吗?

He you met Jeff? ---No, Im afraid not/ No, I dont believe so./Yes, we already met.

How nice to see you again! 很高兴再次见到您!

Im so glad you could e. 你能来我真高兴。

What a pleasant surprise, I hent seen you for ages. 这真是一个惊喜,我好久没看到您了。

How are you doing these days? 最近怎样。

----Im ok/Im just great./Fine, thank you, how about you? All right, and you?/Quite well./Pretty good. /Everythings fine./So far so good.

Nice/Interesting talking to you. 和您谈话和高兴/有趣。

Its been great pleasure talking to you。 和您谈话很荣幸。

----Its also been wonderful to me.

Will you excuse me for a minute, please? 可以允许我失陪一会吗?

See you again/soon/next time.

小知识:当自己做中间人,把一方介绍给另一方的时候,应遵从如下原则,把职 位或地位低的介绍给职位或地位高的,把次要人物介绍给重要人物,把年纪小的介绍给年纪长的,把男士介绍给女士等。

Preference And Hobbies偏爱和兴趣

许多人在说自己很喜欢什么的时候,常常受汉语的影响说成:I very like. 这种说法是错误的,应该说 I like very much.或: I quite like

表示喜欢、偏爱什么可用like, love, enjoy, 如:

I like it! I love it! I enjoy it!


I dont fancy fish today. 我今天不想吃鱼。

I fancy that girl in red. She looks like my type. 我喜欢那个红衣女孩,她看起来像我喜欢的那种类型。

He is a quite rich man, he drives a fancy car and often goes to fancy restaurant. 他是一个很有钱的人,他开高级轿车还经常去高级餐厅。


酒店英语口语学习手册之西餐厅日常用语Dialogue Ⅱ: G: Waiter! 服务员! W: Yes, sir, is there anything else you would like to he? 先生,您还要点什么吗? G: No, thank you. Where can I pay my bill? 不用了,谢...

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