

11月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com


With the current economic meltdown forcing panies across the country to rethink their future hiring plans, your current resume and the way you use it may no longer be serving your needs.


If you're making any of these four mistakes, it might be time to sharpen your resume or your approach.


1. Lack of Focus


The first step in a successful job search begins with identifying your goals. Clarify specifically what you want in your next job or career including your next job title. I've heard countless job seekers say, I'll take anything or I'm open, when asked what kind of job they're seeking. The candidate who'll take anything, ends up with nothing.


Look at your resume. What is your objective? Avoid either failing to state your objective or listing several objectives. Either extreme can work against you as you'll appear unfocused, unmitted or unqualified. While many of us wear many hats throughout our careers, it's best to focus on only one hat, or specific job title, for the resume. Employers today tend to look more for talented players who understand and specialize in a niche rather than those who are more general in nature.


So ask the questions, What's my niche, specialty? What special problem do I solve? This might be one specific job title. If so, then highlight that and drop the laundry list of qualifications.


2. Ignoring the Most Important Question


Most resumes fail to answer the employer's question, What's in it for me? Employers he a problem, not a job. That problem almost always revolves around money in some way. So, look for ways that you can show them a return on their investment. Since most resumes only receive about 20 seconds of actual read time, you he to answer this question quickly. A good way to acplish this is by including a concise Unique Selling Proposition (USP) that distinguishes you from your petitors. This USP is a single sentence that describes three important things:


* Who you are

* Your biggest strength

* Your primary benefit, which should be measurable

* 你是谁

* 你最强的地方

* 你为公司带来什么可量化的初步效益

Your USP describes what you bring to the employer. Every employee either makes money or ses money for an employer. Determine how you bring value in either or both of these ways. The best branding statements usually incorporate figures in dollars or percentages of money, or time that was gained or sed over a certain period.



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