

12月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com



389.What is your salary now?你现在薪水多少?

390.I am paid RMB 18,00 plus some allowance and bonus that es to about RMB 22,00 per month.


391.How about your present pay?你现在的薪水是多少?

392.What is your yearly salary now?你现在的年薪多少?

393.What were they paying you,if you don't mind my asking?他们付你多少薪水,如你不介意我问这个问题?

394.I worked by the hour.One hundred yuan per hour.我按时计酬,每小时100元。

395.What is your monthly salary now?你现在月薪多少?

396.My present I pay is RMB 3,000 yuan each month.我现在月薪人民币3,000元。

397.I'm paid RMB 20,000 yuan each year.我年薪20,000元。

398.At present I get 2,000 yuan per month.目前,我每月工资2,000元。

399.What's your expected salary?你期望多少薪水?

400.What starting salary would you expect?你希望在这里起薪多少?

401.I can offer you 5,000 yuan per month.我们能给你一个月5,000元。

402.Raises are given after three months probation period according to your performance.


403.Is this satisfactory?你满意这一安排吗?

404.Our salary scale is different.我们的薪水制度不一样。

405.We pay on weekly basis.我们按周付薪水。


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