
Offer Letter英文录用通知

11月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文简历写作的注意事项]英文简历按照中文简历写,准会被人骂傻瓜。英文简历是进入外企的敲门砖,人家全凭你简历上寥寥数语判断你的能力,所以,你一定不能马虎。 一、 千万别罗罗嗦嗦 语言简练。对于求职...+阅读

Offer Letter英文录用通知


Employee name and address

Dear employee name:

Re: Employment with college/department/unit, University of Saskatchewan

I am very pleased to offer you a permanent/seasonal/term position as position title, family and phase, college/department/unit, University of Saskatchewan, based on the following terms and conditions:

1. Position:

You are appointed to the position of position title, family and phase, college/department/unit, University of Saskatchewan, and in this capacity, you will report directly to name of direct supervisor. This is a permanent/seasonal/term position, and as discussed and agreed with you, your start date in the position will be start date. This position is in-scope of the ASPA bargaining unit.

In this assignment of position title, your key responsibilities will be to provide a brief deion of the primary purpose of the position (if ailable, attach the Job Profile, and refer the employee to it)..

2. Remuneration:

Your base salary $X per month or $X per year (less statutorily required deductions). Your salary is payable once a month at month end in accordance with the Universitys standard payroll practices. Your position is in Phase X of the Specialist/Professional, Managerial, IT, or Instructional job family. The current salary range for this phase is $X to $X per month.

Your hours of work are based on the normal operating hours of the University and are expected to be for example, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, with a one-half hour unpaid lunch break, amounting to 37.5 hours per week. Please refer to the provisions of Article 9.2.1 regarding the development of work plans and determination of hours of work.

3. Benefits and Pension:

As a permanent/seasonal/term employee, you will be eligible to participate in University of Saskatchewan group benefit plans for employees in-scope of ASPA, according to the terms of the plans. You are also eligible to participate in the University of Saskatchewans Money Purchase Pension Plan in accordance with the plan requirements. Please refer to the Human Resources website for Benefits and Pension information specific to your appointment. A snapshot of benefit eligibility may be found in Table 12 of the collective agreement with ASPA, also found on the Human Resources website.

4. Vacation:

You will receive X weeks of vacation per vacation year (May 1 to April 30), pro-rated for the current vacation year, according to the terms of Article 19.2 Annual Vacation. Vacations are to be taken at such time or times as are mutually convenient to you and the college/department/unit. Please note that carry over of unused vacation is not encouraged, and should be discussed with your supervisor.

5. Professional Allowance:

In addition, you are eligible to receive an annual Accountable Professional Development Account in the amount of $X per year (prorated for the current year), per Article 12.4, to support your on-going career development needs.

6. Assessment Period:

FOR APPOINTMENTS TO PERMANENT SEASONAL POSITIONS: Consistent with Article 8 Probationary Period for Permanent Seasonal Appointments, the first X months of your appointment to this position is a probationary period. We will review your progress in the position on a regular basis and provide you with regular feedback. We will be in a position to confirm continued employment upon successful pletion of the probationary period.

FOR APPOINTMENTS TO TERM POSITIONS: Consistent with Article 8.2, for Term appointments, we will review your progress in the position on a regular basis and provide you with regular feedback.

7. Effective Date:

The terms of this offer shall e into effect on your first day of employment with the college/department/unit, University of Saskatchewan.

8. Other Terms and Conditions

Your employment is subject to the terms and conditions set out in the collective agreement with the University of Saskatchewan and ASPA, as well as other applicable policies approved by the University of Saskatchewan. You may view the collective agreement with ASPA on the Human Resources website in Adobe PDF Document format at: s: .usask.ca/hrd/manager/agreements.php You may view the University of Saskatchewans Policy Handbook at: s: .usask.ca/policies/

If applicable, add the following section on Confidentiality:

By accepting this offer, you also acknowledge and agree that you shall abide by the following terms and conditions, and that such terms and conditions are reasonable:

Confidentiality: During the course of your employment with the college/department/unit, University of Saskatchewan, you will be entrusted with confidential and proprietary information. You agree that such information will not be released or divulged, whether directly or indirectly, unless authorized by University policy, required by law, or through the express written consent of the University of Saskatchewan given under the hand of the proper officer with authority to give such consent.

I would ask that you review the contents of this offer carefully. If the terms of employment as set out in this agreement are acceptable to you, please sign and date one (1) copy and return a fully signed copy to my attention by due date.

Name of employee, I wish to convey my sincere enthusiasm about the possibility of you joining the college/department/unit. I hope that you find the terms of this offer reasonable and attractive.

Please feel free to contact me if you he any questions at contact phone number.

Yours truly,



I agree to accept the conditions of employment indicated above, this day of , 20 . .

(Employee Name)

NOTE: Please ensure that you forward a copy of the accepted letter within 90 days (per Article 7.4) to:

Administrative and Supervisory Personnel Association

304 Kirk Hall

117 Science Place

Saskatoon, SK S7N 5C8


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