
习惯用语:Eat my dust 不是我的对手

11月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[应征起首用语]In reply to your advertisement in todays(newspaper) for an accountant, I tender my services.拜读今日报上贵公司招聘会计广告,本人特此应征。 I would like to apply fo...+阅读


LL: Its a good thing youve been training for this race, Li Hua. But you are still going to eat my dust.

LH: Eat your dust? Yuck. 吃你的土?这是什么意思啊!

LL: When someone says eat my dust, they are saying to their petitors in a race situation that they are confident they are going to win the race, leing everyone else far behind. LH: 赢比赛跟让别人吃土又有什么关系呢?

LL: Well, when you run, you kick up dust from the road. So, if I run very fast and you are behind me, youll be getting my dust in your face - and eating my dust.

LH: 噢,我明白了,跑在前面的人掀起的尘土,会落在后面人的脸上,原来是从这儿来的。不过,Larry, 我为今天的比赛已经训练两个多月了,也许你会eat my dust呢!

LL: But Ive been running for years, and Ive been in many races. And most of the time, the other runners end up eating my dust.

LH: 那也许你能象环法自行车大赛七连冠阿姆斯特朗一样,让其他人都ate his dust.

LL: Now that I think about it, Li Hua, I prefer to think of myself as the cheetah of the running world. As the fastest animal on land, all the other animals eat the cheetahs dust.

LH: 你还真自信!大话说出来,可千万别落在别人后面噢。

LL: Actually, Li Hua. I am just joking. Im not really the cheetah of the running world. There are so many runners in this race, I am pretty sure I will be eating someone elses dust.

LH: 输赢并不重要,重在参与嘛!

LL: You are right, Li Hua. And since this is a race for charity, it doesnt matter if you eat my dust - or I eat yours. In the end, everybody wins.

LH: 对呀,比赛收益全都要用来帮助无家可归的人。Okay, Larry. 准备好,你要eat my dust了!


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