

11月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com


I: Why are you interested in workng with this pany? / Why do you he(or take,feel)interest in applying to our firm? / Why are you desirous to get this job(post,position)?

C: Im interested in working with your pany because I know yours is one of the largest puter panies in our coountry(province,city).My major in the university was puter progmming, so I wish to he the opportunity to apply my knowldge here. / Your firm has a good reputation in the advertising businiss. Anyone who worksat your firm can set his heart at ease about his own future. That is why I he interested in appliying to your firm. / My past work experience is closelt related to this job. I am confident of doing the job well. Therefore I am desirous to get this job (post,position).

I: Why did you choose this coporation? / Could you tell me Why made you choose this pany? / Why did you pick this anization?

C: Well,I know that you do a very big international business,so I thought it would be a good place for me to make use of the experience I he had abroad. / I think working in this pany would give me the best chance to use what Ive learned in the university. As you may know from my resume, I majored in life science. People say the prospects for life science are very bright, and your pany is a leading one in this field. so I wish to be a member of this pany. / Well, Ive cherished a desire to get a job where I can use my English, and then I saw your anizations advertisement in Yangcheng Evening News for an nterpreter. I think yor anisation has a great future. and I will be able to develop my capabilities here, if hired. Thats why I applied to you.

I: Do you want to work here because you can speak English? / Did you choose this pany on account of high pay(or remuneration)? / Whats the reason for your application for this position?

C: No,not just because I can speak English. What I really

want is the chance to learn some advanced methods of management from foreign staff members. / No, not only for high pay(rermunaration),but also for a good working envioronment. As far as I know,working in a sino-foreign joint venture calls for punctuality and responsibility. It is such a working environment that I am looking for. / The reason for my application for this position is simple: my educational background and professional experience make me qualified for the job.

I: He you applied for a similar post to any other panies?

C: No, this is the only one. / Yes,Ive also applied to Global Huada pany Ltd.-- a Sino-American joint ventur , in case I may not be acceptd here. / Yes Ive applied to General Electric China Incorporation but that was just to get experience in being interviewd. It would be hard for me to get employed by such a large pany,I am afraid. Thats why I want to enter this pany.

I: What was the result of your application to that pany?

C: I was offered a posision, but I didnt accept it since the location is too far away from my house. / They turned me down. / I hent heard the result yet. /

I: Why dont you think you got got the job?

C: I think the only reason is that I was too nervous during

the interview and I couldnt express myself the way I want to. / My failure is due to the fact that I dont hold a local lD card.

I: Whats the reason why you failed to get the post?

C: My domocile isnt in that city and they needed a local resident. Thats the sole reason for my failure to get the post.

I: If you are engaged by both panies,whose offer will you accept? / If you are zccepted at both place, which pany will you choose?

C: Of course Ill accept your offer. I want to work for you. / needless to say,my first choice is your pany. / Its my pleasure to work with you. Ill decline the other offer.

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