
职场英语:Salary Negotiation Tips

12月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Salary Negotiation Tips

The Top 12 Tips to Negotiating Salary at a Job Interview:

Be prepared. Before going to the interview, its crucial to research the pany and salary range for the position you are applying for persons with your background and experience. He a salary range in mind and be prepared to discuss these figures once salary negotiation has e up.

Know your absolute bottom line. Know what your minimum salary range must be to support the life you want to live. So decide, before you go into an interview, what salary you want to earn, what you need to live on, and what you will be willing to settle for.

Market yourself. Emphasise the reasons you should get the offer. Document your skills and acplishments, and be prepared to talk about them.

Never discuss salary until you he a job offer. If you do, you could price yourself out of a job before the employer is convinced they need you. If pressed by the interviewers, tell them youre flexible and would be happy to discuss salary when you learn more about the job.

Get the employer to disclose salary before you do. Dont be the first to mention salary during the interview. Let the employer bring it up as many times as necessary until you feel ready.

When questioned about desired salary, the best response is one that returns the employers ball back into his court: You can say, what kind of salary range are you working with? or Well, Id like to make as much as other employees with my qualifications. or What is a typical salary for this position? Another strategy is to oid a specific salary and name a pay range instead. Say: I was thinking of a salary in the 25,000 to 35,000 range.

Do not disclose past salary. Once your past salary is on the table, your negotiating edge goes out the window. By not disclosing exactly what your current salary is or exactly what it would take to get you to lee your current job, youll force a potential employer to make its best offer.

Dont fet the value of benefits and perks when negotiating a salary. Sometimes the salary offered may seem low, low enough for you to turn down the job. Benefits and perks can add up to 40 percent to your basic salary. Some benefits are fixed, but others are negotiable such as stock options, bonuses, employee discounts, training, holiday time and sick lee.

Make your salary discussion a friendly experience. Be amicable when discussing salary. You should make the employer feel that you are on the same side and working together to find a package that would satisfy everyones needs.

Dont say yes to an offer right away. Be enthusiastic and appreciative when you get the job offer, but ask for at least 24 hours to respond. This gives you time to get over your initial joy at being selected. If you feel the salary is insufficient, express your concern to the employer when asking for time to consider the offer. Youll find out right away whether the salary quoted is set in stone or is flexible.

Get it in writing. Once you he accepted a job offer and salary level, be sure to get it in writing.

Declining an offer. If you decide not to accept the offer, make sure you lee on the best of terms. Treat every offer seriously and graciously. You can never tell who you may be doing business with in the future so dont burn any bridges.

Never underestimate the importance of negotiating salary in an interview. Employers tend to prefer those candidates who already earn a greater ine. While these candidates cost more to employ, their higher ining salaries are assumed to reflect greater petence, initiative and achievement. So its in your interest to pursue ine increases at every legitimate opportunity.

Do you he any killer tips for negotiations? Care to share them? Any great stories where you played hardball and won? Any regrets because you didnt hold out longer? Share your experiences!



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