

12月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com



That is 4200 percent. So the value of working through personal referrals is mentally important. I mean it is just tough to understate that or overstate that. So, what do you do? How do you go about that? Well first of all, you ask everyone. So thats family and friends and schoolmates and workmates, the next door, in that church, and wherever. In fact, one guy was out of work. He goes to get his car repaired. It is a true story. The guy is working under the car and says Well what are you doing? He says, Well I am looking for a job, I am out work right now. No really, what did you do? He said, I was a sales manager for manufacturing pany. Really? One of my customers is in that business, you guys ought to meet. That personal referral led to four weeks later, that man getting a job true story I swear. So ask everybody, miss no one, always be ready. Be ready with what? You want to he a ten second statement, we call or an elevator a pitch if you will. A ten-second story that says I am looking for this kind job, in this kind of industry, with this kind of location, so I am looking to be a sales manager. In a manufacturing pany making widgets in North Atlanta, and now you he said it in ten seconds, and you just say that to many people.

So you are asking people that you know. What about calling people you do not know? Well the bridge is from people you do know, so that every time you are talking to somebody, ask them who do you know that might. And if you are really specific about the kind of pany you want to work for, mention the name of the pany or others like it. But then you ask who do you know that I could call and use your name as a referral. And then you call that person. I know thats seems kind of you do not know them, but you he the magic key. You he, let us say it is Bill Smith. Bill Smith suggests that I give you a call. And immediately the person you just called thinks all these good things about you because they really like Bill Smith. And that is your key to get in. So you can talk to other people you do not know through personal referrals and that is why that is important. Finally, there is one person. And that is a capital O, capital P. There is one person who knows everybody, who knows where every job is. So everyday, take the time to dial 1-800 dear God, and spend some time alone with God. Then ask him, Look, I am making phone calls today. You know what I am going to be doing today God, help me to be a good steward, help me to be alert, help me to seek out other people that could help other people, that could help other people help me. And by the way the last thing I would thought is, while you are on the way, be sure to do unto others that you would he do unto you. In other words, as youre meeting and talking with people be alert to help them with whatever theyre looking for.


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