

12月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Hi, this is Joey with .marketabilitytraininglibrary.. This is another Marketability Training Minute. Today we are going to address the question, what can you do if you don't he experience? Well, the problem is you want a job or you want to change careers, but you don't he the necessary experience for them. Well, here are a bunch of solutions, you can volunteer somewhere where you can get related experience, you can get additional training from a continuing education program or a school or certificate degree program. There is tons of them out there. One of the most powerful things you can do is focus on the most crucial skills that are necessary in this next job or this next career and find ways to prove that you can do them.

So one of the primary job functions in this new position is munication, figure out ways to build your ability to write and municate and prove them either by writing articles or giving talks or something of that nature, find ways to prove the skills that are relevant to this new job or career. And honestly, be confident in you abilities, don't sell yourself short, sell yourself, too may people look at job discretions for new jobs or new careers and say, I don't he experience in this industry. Let me tell you, a lot of times that defiantly matters, but sometimes it doesn't. Just be confident in what you can do and what you can learn and sell yourself. So that's a Marketability Training Minute.


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