

12月14日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Heres a simple way to potentially se hours of your time each week, by investing a total of about five minutes.


First thing one morning, take a piece of paper and write a column of numbers representing each hour from the time you wake up until you go to sleep. For me, the list would start 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1 and go all the way back to 12. (So far, you he invested about fifteen seconds.)


For this single day, at the top of every hour stop for 20 seconds and consider how happy you are with the way you spent your time. Did you invest it wisely? If the answer is yes, dont write anything.


But if you wouldnt repeat the way you spent the last hour, next to the number representing that hour write a few words that describes what you did. On one of my lists, for example, at 3 oclock I wrote pointless to talk with Ralph; doesnt listen, meaning that it was a waste of my time to meet with him.


Stick with this exercise all day; it takes very little time, just the discipline to stop every hour for a few seconds. But at the end of the day, youll he a list of activities you wish you oided. If the list has more than one or two items, you might want to continue the practice for a while.


If you make this a habit, youll soon start to spot patterns. It will be easier to recognize ways in which you are wasting time and effort, and youll do a better job of oiding these.


You can also use this technique across an entire department to help all involved make better use of their time. To oid offending people, I wouldnt suggest pooling the results. You can simply introduce the test and allow people to draw their own conclusions.


Encourage people to not only list the problems that wasted their time, but to also write down solutions for using their time more wisely. For example, at the end of a long meeting, you might realize that while your initial strategy of barking out orders did not work, that once you took the time to listen to others, they became more willing to listen to you.



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