

12月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文简历写作技巧]一、简历种类 1、中式简历 中式简历中,常常包括政治面貌、性格及身高体重等信息。如果中英文简历一起递交,建议中文简历中不写政治面貌。因为如果去外企工作,背景中的政治色彩...+阅读


1、“work experience”is the type of work you‘ve done in the past. If you hen‘t started working yet you can say “Right now I‘m still a student.” or “I‘m a recent grad and Ihen‘t started working yet.” In the second sentence, “recent grad is short for ”recent graduate and means that you he just finished school.

请告诉我你过去的工作经验,工作经验就是你过去所做的工作。如果尚未开始工作,就可以回答“Right now I‘m still a student.”(现在我还是个学生。)或者说“I‘m a recent grad and I hen‘t started working yet.”(我刚刚毕业,还没有开始工作。)“recent grad”是“recent graduate”的缩写,意思是刚刚毕业。

2、Second One: What‘s your greatest weakness?

This is a popular question that western employers like to ask to make candidates nervous! In fact, they ask this to know how you respond to a difficult question. You shouldn‘t answer by telling your greatest weakness since you might not get the job! Instead, you can tell them something that isn‘t directly related to the job position.


3、Third One: Why do you feel you are qualified for this job?

This question is a good opportunity to brag a little bit. You should talk about some extra skills you he that maybe wasn‘t included in your resume, or talk about your greatest strength in more detail.


4、Fourth One: What kind of salary did you he in mind?

Salary is how much money you earn, usually per year. When asked this, it‘s best to answer with a salary range or approximation and not an exact figure. This shows that you are familiar with the industry if you know what the approximate salary should be.




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