

12月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com


5 Tips for Salary Negotiations in a Down Economy


Even in a down economy, you can negotiate your salary -- whether for a new job, a promotion, or a raise in your current position. The key to a successful negotiationis to be prepared -- and the more you know about yourself and your worth, the better your potential oute.


Promoter types, such as Donald Trump, are naturally skilled in all types of negotiation. The rest of us can use a few tips that promoters seem to know instinctively:

像Donald Trump这样的推销员天生擅长各种协商。而我们其他人则可以学习一些推销员都耳熟能详的方法:

1) Timing is everything. In salary negotiations, the one who mentions money first loses. For a new job, never negotiate salary or other benefits until you he an offer of employment. For new employment, a new position or for a raise, talk about your future contributions to the pany before money discussions start.


2) Know what you are worth. Many hard-working contributors tend to look to others to praise and reward them for their worth and may not do the homework to get real facts. They tend to give their power away to the employer. It is best to research salary ranges before you start the negotiation. Know the erage salary for candidates with your education and skills in that type of position, in that type of industry, and in that geographicallocation. Search the Inter for salary information and also consult professional anizations.


3)Know what you can contribute. Analytic people, in particular, love to solve systems problems, but they may get too technical in telling about their ideas so they need to learn to quantifythe benefits to their audience. Many customer service people are great in emergencies and need to focus on how they he solved past crises. Operations people cut risks and ensure that operations go smoothly. Catalysts help people work effectively in teams to create a better future. If you cant state what you he done to help the pany and what you intend to do, youll lose in negotiations.


Think in terms of money or time sed, resources preserved, problems solved, and opportunities or new products created. If you can assign value in terms of numbers, youll enhance your negotiating stance. Learn more about yourself to help municate your personal value by taking a personality assessment.


4) Work toward a win/win situation. Focus on mutual goals. Negotiations that are open dialogues rather than adversarialpositions get the most for everyone. Avoid mitment words like always, must, never, and wont consider. If you dont get all you want, dont take it personally or bee angry. Before you enter the negotiation, see if you can state the panys side in terms of present conditions. Those who can understand the issues on both sides of the table are the most successful.


5) Seek creative alternatives. Often times in negotiations, a person does not achieve everything they would like, especially in the area of salary. What other things might be important to you? A bonus, cell phone or PDA, childcare services, association membership, muting and parking costs, pany car, puter equipment, flexiblework schedule, telemuting, profit sharing and sings plans, etc. Decide what options are the most important to you and put them on the table.




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