

12月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语简历写作的注意事项]英文简历按照中文简历写,准会被人骂傻瓜。英文简历是进入外企的敲门砖,人家全凭你简历上寥寥数语判断你的能力,所以,你一定不能马虎。 一、千万别罗罗嗦嗦 语言简练。对于求职者...+阅读


Robin Lamb

3000 Tracy Street,

Los Angeles, CA 90027

Telephone No: 323-660-5189

Email id: robin_lamb#gmail.

Objective :

Position as a Customer Service Manager.

Abilities :

8 years of customer service.

Excellent written and verbal munication skills, with an eye for detail.

Extremely productive in a high volume, high stress, environment.

Proficient in the use of IBM clone and Mac desktops.

Highly productive in the use of Office 2000 Professional.

Self starter with a can do attitude.

Employment History :

City Financial, Los Angeles, CA , 1998 - Present

Customer Service Manager

Collaborated with the Product Development department in developing new Fee Based products and their sales to the unbanked credit card membership base. Answered an erage of three hundred customer calls in a day through the call center queue. Worked as a Senior Representative in the Promise to Pay department to ensure customers where given assistance in bringing their over limit and/or pass due account current Performed duties in the Retention department retaining customers who wanted to cancel their accounts.

CitiTrust, Santa Monica, CA , 1994 - 1998

Customer Service Representative

Answered inbound calls in support of customer needs. Conveyed in a reassuring manner step by step instructions to resolve application issues. Reviewed and issued audits on account information and processes. Performed queries in multiple databases. Adhered to government moary regulations. Assisted in the creation and development of the banks customer relationship management system.

Education :

Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA

B.A., Business And Economics, 1994


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