

12月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com


When they finish quizzing you,interviewers always ask, So, do you he any questions? Thats your cue to show off your research with queries about the panys petitors, plans for growth, specific products, etc. But some questions can make you seem ill-prepared, overeager or disagreeable. Here are eight monly asked bloopers.

1. What, exactly, does your pany do?

Never pose questions that a library search could he answered.

2. What does the job pay?

Avoid money discussions until the interviewer makes you an offer.

3. How many vacation and personal days do you allow?

Makes you sound lazy--again, wait for the offer.

4. How long will it take me to get promoted?

Try a less pushy version: Can you describe what my career advancement track might be like?

5. Is that your husband in the picture on your desk?

Dont initiate a personal discussion.Stick to questions about her career path.

6. What are you going to do about the poor performance of Product X?

Reframe the question positively. What plans do you he to build sales for Product X?

7. Whats your panys track record on promoting women and minorities?

A legitimate question, but interviewers may worry that youll sue if you dont advance quickly. Instead, check out the pany s reputation through the industry grapevine.

8. So, when do I start?

A slightly obnoxious quip. Dont invite yourself into the job.


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