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What is your greatest strength? is one of the easier interview questions youll be asked. When you are asked questions about your strengths, its important to discuss attributes that will qualify you for the job. The best way to respond is to describe the skills and experience that directly correlate with the job you are applying for.

Sample Answers

When Im working on a project, I dont want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to plete the project well ahead of schedule.

I he exceeded my sales goals every quarter and Ive earned a bonus each year since I started with my current employer.

My time management skills are excellent and Im anized, efficient, and take pride in excelling at my work.

I pride myself on my customer service skills and my ability to resolve what could be difficult situations.

How Will Your Greatest Strength Help You Perform?

As a follow up to being asked about your greatest strengths, you may be asked about how your greatest strength helped your performance on the job. When you respond, relate your strengths to both the job deion and your ability to perform at work. Here are sample answers.

Questions About Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Review more interview questions related to your strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and acplishments, along with examples of answers.

More Answers / Share Your Interview AnswerSelf Confidence

My greatest strength is self confidence. I will try until I am successful.

Guest chandraHard Work

My greatest strength is hard work. I give my best effort to achieve positive results.

Guest Manjunath


My greatest strength is persistence. I work really hard and do not give up easily.

Guest haziq

Good Listener

My strength is that I am good at listening to people who he problems. I can counsel them to find solutions for themselves. I he strong confidence in my judgment.

Guest Ent Seng

Not Getting Distracted

I am optimistic and my strength is that I wont get distracted easily during working hours, and I finish my projects earlier than the allotted time.

Guest saranya

Inner Strengths

Im quick learner, optimistic, and hardworking. I he the patience to control my anger.

Guest sonu sharma


My greatest strength is the hardwork I do to give my best effort to achieve positive results.

Guest Nithya


My greatest strength is adaptability... If one can adapt oneself to a particular situation or an environment in a positive way, he/she will always be a winner.

Guest Alok

This, too, shall pass

My greatest strength is that I can thrive under pressure, being patient and optimistic because I know that everything is happening for a reason and its going to pass.

Guest razel


A Strong emphasis on maintaining open munication across the board in all environments and situations .

Guest Lena

influencing power

My greatest strength... I dont he to make an effort to impress people. They get impressed by me anyway!!!!!

Guest darshana

Concentrated Effort

I can work with concentration and can devote my entire energy and time to the task assigned to me.

Guest lilly

Not a Problem, but an Opportunity

I see challenging situation not as a problem, but rather as an opportunity to learn sometime new. This keeps me focused and motivated to stick to the task no matter how difficult, and get it done. And I feel a great sense of acplishment when this happens.

Guest Hippolytus Oluoha

Customer Service Skill

My greatest strengths are my customer service skills and my ability to resolve what could be difficult situation. I can trouble shoot issues and e up with solutions in a timely manner.

Guest adejolu

Know the petition

My greatest strength is that I am a petitive person. Even if I lose in the end, I will know that I was a close petitor.

Guest Shubhankar baghel



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