

12月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com


1. Innovative. Most panies claim to be innovative. Most people claim to be innovative. Most are, however, not. Thats okay, because innovation isnt a requirement for success.

1. 富有创意。大部分公司都自称有创意,人也不例外。但其实很多人并没有创意。而且,有没有创意并不是很重要,成功又不一定非靠它不可。

If you are innovative, dont say it. Prove it. Describe the products youve developed. Describe the processes youve modified.


Give us something real so your innovation is unspoken but evident... which is always the best kind of innovative to be.


2. World-class. Usain Bolt: world-class sprinter, Olympic medals to prove it. Lionel Messi: world-class soccer player, four Ballon dOr trophies to prove it. But what is a world-class professional or pany? Who defines world-class? In your case, probably just you.

2. 世界一流。尤塞恩-博尔特是世界级短跑运动员,奥运金牌可以为证;里奥内尔-梅西是世界级足球运动员,四个金球奖杯可以为证。但是,什么样的职业或企业才能称得上世界级呢?这个世界一流又该如何定义?你若自夸 世界一流,那未免太一厢情愿了吧。

3. Authority. Like Margaret Thatcher said, Power is like being a lady; if you he to say you are, you arent. Show your expertise instead.

3. 权威。正如玛格丽特-撒切尔所言:权力就像淑女,如果你囔囔自己是淑女,那你肯定不是。不如拿出真本领。

4. Results oriented. Really? Some people actually focus on doing what they are paid to do? We had no idea.

4. 注重结果。真的吗?真有人一心专注于自己的分内之事?没人知道答案。

5. Incredibly... Check out some random bios and youll find plenty of further-modified deors: Incredibly passionate, profoundly insightful, extremely captivating... isnt it enough to be insightful or captivating? Do you he to be profoundly insightful? If you must use over-the-top adjectives, spare us the further modification. Trust that we already get it.

5. 超凡。随机抽几份简历,你会发现满眼都是什么超凡激情、深刻见解、卓然魅力有见解或有魅力还不够么?你非得刻意强调一下?如果你必须用这类华丽辞藻,那先请用对词语吧,何必噜苏重复!

6. Motivated. Check out Chris Rocks response to people who say they take care of their kids. Then substitute words like motivated. Never take credit for things you are supposed to do or supposed to be.

6. 动力十足。克里斯-洛克认为,需要养家糊口的人经常挂在嘴边的便是有动力。永远不要把你应该做的事当作动力。

7. Creative. See particular words often enough and they no longer make an impact. Creative is one of them. Creative is just one example. Others include extensive, effective, proven, influential, team player... some of those terms may truly describe you, but since they are also being used to describe everyone theyve lost their impact.

7. 有创造力。有亮点的词看多了也会变得索然无味。有创造力便是这种词。除了有创造力,其他像宽容博大、有效率、经验证、有影响力、有团队合作精神等表达,也俗不可耐。当然,或许你真具备这些素质,但这些词真的快老掉牙了。

8. Dynamic. If you are vigorously active and forceful, um, stay away.

8. 充满活力。如果你真的精力旺盛、干劲十足,那么还是打住吧。

9. Passionate. I know many people disagree, but if you say youre incredibly passionate about, oh, incorporating elegant design aesthetics into everyday objects, to me you sound over the top.

9. 充满激情。我相信很多人对此有异议。但如果你说,你非常热衷将构件设计美学融入日常物件中,那我觉得你未免夸张了些。

The same is true if youre passionate about developing long-term customer solutions. Try the words focus, concentration, or specialization instead. Or try love, as in, I love incorporating an elegant design aesthetic in everyday objects. For whatever reason, that works for me. Passion doesnt.

同理,你也不可能一直热衷于研究客户问题长期解决方案。所以,不如用专注、集中或专门从事比较妥帖些。喜欢一词也可以, 比如我喜欢将构件设计美学应用到日常物品中,对我来说就很中听,而激情一词在我看来就很矫情。

10. Unique. Fingerprints are unique. Snowflakes are unique. You are unique but your business probably isnt. Thats fine, because customers dont care about unique; they care about better. Show youre better than the petition and in the minds of your customers you will be unique.
