

12月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[大企业里的小职员]清华硕士讲述在中移动总部的日子:大企业里的小职员 接连着两周,王林没有一天能在晚上十一点之前离开办公室。周末也总被加班占据。生活像一辆塞满了货物的桑塔纳,踏实地奔跑着,...+阅读


I head a small financial services pany. We do not employ many women and would like to employ more. However, one of our female analysts is poor at her job and unpopular. If I fire her, Im concerned she is the type to sue on discrimination grounds - even though she doesnt he a case. Also, firing her might make it look as if this is a bad place for women to work. Any ideas?

Chairman, male, 58




This woman is both feeble and unpleasant. If she were just the first, then you might consider keeping her. All but the smallest panies can tolerate a dog or two. But as she is also unpopular, there is nothing for it: she must go.


However, you are right to be worried about the vindictive legal action she could take, and also right that her sex makes a big difference. If she were a man, you would simply risk being sued for unfair dismissal - and those cases do not make the headlines and the payouts they mand are small.


In any event, protecting yourself against such a case is relatively easy. You cant fire anyone out of the blue for poor performance but, as long as you issue warnings and give the person a chance to get better, you can fire them after a few months when they dont.


The woman thing makes it much more risky. All she needs is to show that there might be a case for discrimination and you could find the onus of proof is on you. You would then he to show that you had not discriminated - which is almost impossible to do.


There are three things that make me fear your case is weak. You hardly employ any women, which isnt a good start. The fact that yours is a small pany means you are unlikely to he sent your people on tedious, costly, diversity awareness courses, which are a legal insurance policy against this sort of thing. And if in the past you he given this woman positive appraisals then that will count against you too.


You might get away with it; you might not. If you dont and she wins her case it could not only be expensive (in the UK, at least, there is no cap on payouts in these cases), it would not look pretty to he a sex discrimination story in the pages of this newspaper.


If I were you, I would do what employers are doing quietly behind the scenes all the time. Take her to one side and offer her a lot of money, a face-sing story and a great reference, and usher her gently out of the door.


This may be costly (and distasteful in that inpetence is being rewarded) but at least you get rid of her with no ugliness and no risk.


The moral is that employers should think twice before hiring women and be sure to waste time and money on diversity courses. The whole system is less than ideal but that isnt your immediate problem.




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