

12月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[面试中要学会赢得招聘主管的“心”]在面试时,除了你应具备的能力外,要怎样才能赢得主管的心呢? 一、用家乡情结套近乎 一家合资的日化公司通知小魏去面试。到了那家公司后,小魏从那个招聘主管瘪脚的普通话中,辨出...+阅读

The Problem 问题

I he a problem with my HR director, who I inherited from my predecessor. She is lazy and inpetent, has alienated her team, and her (talented) number two has just quit. She takes a huge amount of sick lee, claiming the job is stressful. I need to get rid of her but she knows all the rules and has a litigious frame of mind. She is from an ethnic minority and, although born to middle-class Indian parents, seems to believe life has discriminated against her. She views me, a white male, as a personal affront. What do I do?


LUCY (Manager, male, 42) 露西(经理,男,51岁)

You must decide if you want to spend management time sorting this out or whether to lish money on it instead.


In the first case, you need to manage her downfall actively, setting clear performance targets and monitoring her failure to meet them. Then, when you finally fire her, she wont be able to claim unfair dismissal.


There are three problems with this approach: you will he to put up with her laziness and inpetence for quite a while longer; it will eat up a lot of your time; and - worst - she might well end up suing you anyway on discrimination grounds.


If you are in the UK, the law makes the employer guilty until proven innocent: the onus is on you to prove that you did not discriminate against her. This can be quite tricky, especially if most of your senior people are white males and if you he not insisted on everyone attending diversity awareness courses.


You can risk it, but you need to think not just of the cost but of how bad the newspaper headlines might look.


If I were you I would deal with the problem quietly by throwing money at it now. It does not sound as if she is enjoying the job much at present. It is either making her ill or making her skive, neither of which are good. Her new boss is unsympathetic and possibly sexist and racist and seems to he it in for her. Her team is awful and her number two has just quit.


Call a meeting with her and offer her a fortune to go.If for some bizarre reason she turns this down there is always the special projects option. Pay her to do a hugely grand-sounding yet utterly peripheral job where she has no one reporting to her. And then tempt the brilliant number two back into the number one slot.



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