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Oliver Twist

1234 Main Court

Santa Cruz

CA, 95060

Cell: 257-356-7895

E-mail: oliver.twist#yahoo.

Career Profile:

Looking for an opportunity to work as a Public Relation Manager where I can make effective use of my knowledge and skills for the growth of the anization.

Core Strengths:

Extensive knowledge of planning , managing and designing public relation programs

In-depth knowledge of the structure, rules of position and grammar of English language

Possess excellent administration and customer service skills

Familiar with the principles and methods of promoting and selling products and services

Ability to think critically with excellent time management skills

Familiar with the concept of economics and accounting principles

Ability to lead small and large teams of public relation specialist

Proficient in handling multiple tasks simultaneously and work under pressure

Ability to generate policies and procedures related to public information programs

Educational Summary:

Masters degree in Business Administration from University of State, in the year 19XX

Bachelor degree in Public Relations from Saint Lawrence munication College, State in the year 19XX


Accredited in Public Relations (APR) in the year 19XX

Professional Experience:

ABC Software Co. Inc., State

20XX till date

Public Relation Manager

Assigned the tasks of developing and maintaining the panys corporate identity and image by using logos and signage

Handled the responsibilities of supervising and reviewing the activities of public relations staff

Prepared information for media kits and wrote effective press releases

Responsible for developing and maintaining panys corporate identity and image

Assigned the tasks of managing munications budget

Worked with public relation executives and formulated policies and procedures of public information programs

ABC munication Center, State

20XX to 20XX

Senior Public Relation Executive

Handled the tasks of planning and directing public relations programs

Drafted speeches for pany executives as well as arranged interviews for them

Maintained and developed pany inter and intra web pages

Evaluated advertising and promotion programs for patibility with public relations efforts and strategies

Maintained pany archives and managed in-house munication courses

Observed and report on social, economic and political trends that might affect employers to the Manager

Professional Acplishments:

Honored as the most Influential Public Relations Strategist of the year 19XX by the Public Relations Association of XYZ


公共英文简历RESUME Personal information English Name : Nikki Chinese Name: Gender: Female Date of Birth: Stature:162CM Work Experience: 1 years Residency: Guangzhou Mobile :...
