

12月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com


So youve had your job interview, and, as you wait to hear from the pany, you keep replaying the interview in your mind and wondering how you did. But is there any way to know until you get an offer or rejection? No signs are 100 percent foolproof, but here are some indicators that the interview went well:

你已经面试完了。当你等待公司消息的时候,脑子里不断回放面试的情节,心里估摸着自己的表现如何。但是有什么方法可以在通知出来之前就能知道结果吗? 没有什么迹象100%牢靠,但是下面是一些征兆能说明面试进展顺利:

1. The interviewer gives you a clear timeline for when a decision is expected, rather than being vague or nonmittal. When Im interested, I make sure the candidate lees knowing exactly what will happen next and when to expect to hear from me.


2. The interviewer asks about your timeline. When Im especially interested in a candidate, unless I know Ill be making an offer within a few days, I start worrying about some other employer snatching the candidate up before I do. I say things like, Is there any particular timeline you need to adhere to? and If our timeline conflicts with yours, please let me know, and Ill see if I can speed things up on our end.


3. The interviewer tries to sell the position or pany to you. When I know I want to hire a candidate, Ill spend extra time talking about the advantages of the position and anization and will try to paint a detailed picture of things about the role or culture that might appeal to the candidate.


4. The interviewer spends a lot of time answering your questions. Whether or not candidates are strong contenders, I always ask what questions they he for me. But when Im very interested in someone, its much more in depth. Ill often probe to make sure that Ive answered questions to their satisfaction and encourage them to be forthing about any reservations they might he.


5. The interview runs over the allotted time. If Im not especially interested in a candidate, Im looking for opportunities to wrap the interview up -- not drawing it out. So if this happened to you, its a very positive sign. (But at the same time, dont read anything into if the interview didnt go into overtime; Ive hired plenty of people without the interview running long.)


6. After youre done, the interviewer introduces you to others or shows you around the office. Again, if I know Im not going to move forward with the candidate, I dont waste anyones time (including the candidates) on these sorts of extras.

面试结束后,面试官把你介绍给其他人、或带你参观办公室。 同样地,如果我知道自己不会招聘某位面试者,我不会做这些额外功,浪费任何人的时间(包括应试者)。

7. You hear from your references that the employer has called them. Reference-checking is time-consuming, so I dont start it unless Im interested in a candidate.


Again, none of these are foolproof. An interviewer might do one or two of these without meaning anything. And of course, the interviewer can be very interested in you and still ultimately go with a different candidate. But when you start to see a pattern of the things above, you at least know that youre not out of the running.



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