

11月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Interview, the interviewer may be just right for your recruiting depends on your answer a few questions only, which as you get into a pany's key job interview in order to the vast number of people some help, I sorted out the most monly used surface examination questions, hope that we can learn from these answers ideas for your road to pe the way for job-seekers.

Question one: Please look at your self-introduction


Basically, it can be said that whenever it is necessary A subject of the interview, and Oh, but still he to remind some, we must first submit a resume and your consistent and can not resume, said one thing and introduce you to another, right? Since it is face to face self-introduction, one of the aims is to test your speaking and your ability to express, we must express a clear, simple, clear, should not McCain do not boundless sea, we must remember that this is not you talk about ideals and aspirations about place, the pany saw in that you do? It is much better prepared to interview several before self-introduction, followed by 1 minute in accordance with 3 minutes, 5 minutes to prepare, with such an encounter are not afraid.

Question 2: to talk about your family situation


This problem is to Tao under the general understanding of your personality, values, attitudes and some other things, there are several points allows you to simply start it simply the next family size, emphasis on family harmony and warmth, good relations among family members, their own sense of responsibility to the family, but also stressed that the next family for their support for the work.

Question three: What are your hobbies?


From a person's hobby, they can reflect some aspects of your personality, ideas, attitude, do not say what he did not love, not to really put some of your vulgar love out here, then you will because this is negative喽, better to say something outdoors, the sun-loving, the backdrop of your image.

Question 4: Who is your worship?


Do not say you do not worship, let alone worship your own, if you worship the man, a relationship work with you who can inspire and infection itself, and that's better.

Five questions: What is your motto?


Your motto must reflect your own particular merits, or that you always follow the motto of your good progress, to struggle, hard work, do not be too long, but Do not be abstract, and you too abstract, then you expect the interview official abstract to understand you proud?

Question 6: talk about your weaknesses


If you say you do not disadvantage, then the pany is certainly not for you, because then you he bee a non-human! ! ! Human beings there will be mistakes? This point to understand, do not tell the shortings affect their work, then you see disaster! May simply say that something has nothing to do with the work of a small shortings,

Question 8: Why did you choose our pany?


Refer to the answer - I am very optimistic about the industry your pany is located, I think your pany attaches great importance to talent, and that the work is very suitable for me, and believe that they will be able to do a good job.

Question 9: For this work, what do you he for the foreseeable difficulties?


Try circuitous tactics, and give candidates the attitude of the difficulties - work is normal to encounter some difficulties, and it is inevitable, but as long as there is perseverance, a good spirit of cooperation, as well as well-planned and adequately in advance preparation, no difficulty can be overe.

Question 10: If I hire you, how do you work


Can try to use indirect tactics to answer, such as the first to listen to instructions and requirements of leadership, and then to understand and bee familiar with the situation, t

hen develop a work plan and report to the leadership of the recent approval of the final work under the scheme.

Question 11: with higher disagreement First, how do you?


1, the general can be answered, I will give a higher level with the necessary explanation and cautioned that in this case, I would submit to a superior officer. If you're interviewing general manager candidates and your position as a manager and another , and the manager was not there, it can be answered: For non-issues of principle, I would submit to a superior officer, with regard to corporate interests on major issues, I would like to reflect a more senior leadership.

Question 12: Why should we hire you?


Such as I am in line with your pany's terms of employment, and with my current skills, high sense of responsibility and good adaptability and learning ability hungry, fully petent for the job. I very much hope that for your pany's services, if your pany to the me this opportunity, I will certainly bee a pillar of your pany!

Question 13: You can do for us?


Candidates according to their self-understanding, bined with the advantages of their own in the areas of expertise to answer this question.

Question 14: You are fresh graduates, lack of experience, how can we do that job?


Such as As graduates, work experience will indeed be lacking, so I he been studying the use of a variety of opportunities during the period in this industry work part-time. I also found that the actual work than the book knowledge-rich and plex. But I he a stronger sense of responsibility, adaptability and ability to learn, and relatively hard, so can a part-time in the successful pletion of the work, from experience gained so I he benefited. Please be assured your pany, school by school and part-time work experience so that I will be able to qualify him for this position.

Question 15: Do you want to work with what kind of parent?


Such as has just entered the munity as a newer, I should he more demands on themselves familiar with the environment as soon as possible, adapt to the environment should not make any demands on the environment, as long as can play my expertise can be of.

Question 16: You are the first departure of a pany What is the reason?


1, the most important are: looking for candidates to make recruitment believed that the unit, candidates in the past the unit's reasons for departure in this house recruitment unit inside does not exist. 2, oid the reasons for departure said too detailed and too specific.

3, free from subjective negative feelings, such as too hard luck, plex interpersonal relations, Management is too confusing, panies do not focus on talent, Our pany's exclusion of certain employees and so on.

4, but we can not dodge, evade, such as If you want a change of environment, personal reasons and so on.

5, may not relate to their own negative personality characteristics, such as dishonesty, laziness, lack of sense of responsibility, not easy-going and so on.

6, as far as possible to explain the reasons for the candidate's personal image add luster.

7, such as I left because the pany closed down. In my pany for more than three years, there are deep feelings. From the beginning last year, as the market situation changed, the pany's rapid deterioration of the situation. To the moment I am very sorry this step , but also face display, re looking for a stage play to my ability.

Many interview questions are not the answer to the interview at any occasion are valid, the key is to master the law of candidates, the right to grasp the specific circumstances of the interview, interviewers consciously try to figure out the psychological background, and then make the most consistent with their ideology answer.


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