

01月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[办公室会话新电脑的烦恼]Jeff: How are you today Joan? 杰夫:你今天过得怎么样,琼? Joan: Terrible. I he a new desk and a new puter. 琼:糟糕透了。我有了一张新桌子和一台新电脑。 Jeff: Why is th...+阅读

Wele to China, Mr. White.


bHow do you do, Ms. Chi?


aWele to this corporation, Mr. White. Wont you please sit down?


bThank you.


aOur representative in your country faxed a letter that you showed an interest in some of our products on display at the Oct. Exhibition there. Now wed like to know if you he any specific requirements in mind.


bYes, we he. Ive brought with me a list of the quantity of your products wed like to import for the second half of this year. Here is a copy of it.


aGood. Well, Mr. White, most of the items listed are ailable this year. I hope we can e to an agreement and sign the contracts soon to enable timely delivery.


bI hope so, too. Now Id like some of your sales literature and a price list for all of your export articles.


aHere are our catalog and price list. The catalog lists all the modities we export, and the price list gives indicative prices for all our export articles.


bThank you, Ms Chi. What are your normal export terms?


aWe normally export CFR.


bWhat mission do you usually pay for your exports? As you know, we import on mission basis.


aThat can be discussed.


bAll right. When can we meet again for more specific details, Ms Chi?


aWhat about tomorrow morning at 9? Ill e over to your hotel.


bIll be expecting you, then.



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