

01月14日 编辑 fanwen51.com


In reply to your advertisement in todays(newspaper) for an accountant, I tender my


I would like to apply for the post of Assistant Accountant as advertised in todays


In reply to your advertisement in China Daily of May 18 for a clerk, I offer myself for the


With reference to your advertisement in todays Jiefang Daily for an accountant, I tender my services.从今日《解放日报》广告栏得知贵公司招聘会计,本人特致函应聘。

On looking over yesterdays Xinmin Evening Paper,my attention was attracted by your advertisement for two department managers, I should like to apply for the position.拜读贵公司在昨天的《新民晚报》上所刊登的招聘广告,得悉贵公司招聘两部门经理,特此备函应征。

Please consider me an applicant for the position which you advertised in Peoples Daily of


Hing noticed the enclosed advertisement in this mornings (newspaper),I wish to apply for the position advertised.谨随函附上贵公司在今天的报刊登的招聘广告,本人愿申请这一职位。

I he learned that your pany is looking for a puter operator and would like to apply for the post.Enclosed is a resume which sets out full details of my qualifications, interests and work experience.据悉贵公司正在招聘电脑操作员,本人欲申请该职位,谨附上详述本人学历兴趣及经验的履历表一份。

I am writing in reply to you request through the University Appointment Service for a Trainee Engineer,and would like to apply for the position.本人于大学就业辅导处得悉贵公司欲招聘见习工程师,故特此备函应征。

Your advertisement in this weeks(magazine) for a sales representative caught my attention. My working experience matches your requirements closely.本人对贵公司于本期周刊内刊登之招聘广告甚感兴趣,自信能符合所述条件,故特备函应征。

I wish to apply for the post of clerk in your pany which is advertised in todays(newspaper)欣读今日报,得悉贵公司招聘职员,本人特此应征此职。

Your advertisement for a telephone operator in the(news-paper) of March 8 has interested me.I feel I can fill that position.贵公司3月8日在报上刊登广告,招聘一名接线员,本人阅后极感兴趣。我相信能胜任此职。

Hing heard that the situation of a cashier in your office is vacant, I wish to offer my service for it.据闻贵公司出纳员一职空缺,特备函应征。

I he heard that perhaps you might need an accountant with considerable experience working with panies such as yours.据悉贵公司有意招聘一名有丰富相关经验的会计。

I would like to ask you to consider my qualification for the position in sales that you advertised in last weeks newspaper.贵公司上周在报刊登广告,招聘推销员一职,我拟应聘,敬请给予考虑。

I believe my experience and qualifications suit the position you advertised in last months(newspaper)and hope that you will.consider my application.本人学历与工作经验与贵公司上月于报上刊登之职位空缺相符,故特备函应征。

Hing noticed the enclosed advertisement in this mornings (newspaper),I wish to apply for the position referred to.I feel that my business experience has been sufficiently broad to adapt me to any work requiring managerial ability.看到今天早上报刊登的招聘广告(随信附寄),我极愿申请这一职位。我觉得个人工作经验丰富,足以胜任经理的工作。

Your advertisement for a Senior Production Planner in the March 13 Beijing Youth Daily interested me because your requirements closely parallel my working experience.3月13日《北京青年报》上刊登贵公司招聘高级生产设计员一职的广告,本人极感兴趣,因所列条件为本人工作经验相符合。


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