

01月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com


1. Enthusiastically Learn All Aspects of Business

1. 热情学习各方面业务

They understand theyre more worthwhile than just their job. They look to learn other areas of the business and be fluent in finance and management so theyll positively impact multiple areas of the pany.


2. Steward the pany

2. 管理公司

They treat the pany as if it were theirs. They look to make prudent decisions about expenses and opportunities with the long-term future of the pany in mind. They easily assess risk vs. reward, selflessly when making decisions.


3. Generate Viable Opportunities

3. 创造可行的机会

You dont he to be in sales or marketing to help a pany grow. Strong workers from all divisions see pany growth as a collective effort.


4. Resolve Issues Before They Are Issues

4. 在问题发生前就解决掉

My forite days running panies are when I notice positive change in procedure when I was totally unaware of the need for change. Amazing employees are always looking to improve systems proactively, and they do.


5. Tell It Like It Is

5. 实事求是说话

Amazing employees understand that hiding bad news helps no one. They find kind ways to bring unfortable information to the surface, but they DO bring it to the surface. They tell people whats necessary before major damage is done.


6. Demonstrate High Standards, With Low Maintenance

6. 显示出高水平,不需要被监督

I always feel relaxed when I can trust an employee to perform a task to the same high standards I would expect from myself. Not all can do this without constant attention or difficulty. Amazing employees quietly drive their own high standards.


7. Grow Themselves, and Others

7. 自己成长的同时也带动他人

They not only drive their own career but they inspire others to do the same. These employees lead by example in how to advance without creating animosity or resentment.


8. Research, Apply, and Refine

8. 研究、应用和完善

No employer expects people to know everything. In this fast changing world, I choose employees who will learn over those who know. The best employee proactively explores options, takes action and then improves without direction from the top.


9. Stimulate Happiness

9. 创造快乐

Amazing employees understand the dynamics of people, stress, and the blend of work, life and friendship. They exude positive energy even in stressful times and share it around, making for a happier office.




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