

01月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Question1:Introduce yourself breifly这个基本上和第一论的回答差不多,但要再精练点。Question2: Why you choose Singapre to take your Hospitality Management Course?这个问题可能在国内的朋友用不到,但要是回答稍作修改,就能变成Why you take HM course?的答案问题:你为什么要选酒店管理这门课程?Ansver:When I was 13 years old, I had a dream to work in a high-class hotel. Furthermore, nowadays, tourism in China is rapidly on the rise, and thousands of foreign tourists trel to China. When I prepared for my university entrancy examination, I found that most university in China they only offer Toustism Management for degree. And I know there is much more different courses pared with Hospitality Management. I know Singapore is the second best country that offer Hospitality Management, and it is also one of the safest countries in the world. Therefore, after I graduated from high school, I came to Singapore for my institute study on xxxxxx.翻译(回答):在我13岁的时候,我有个在高级酒店工作梦想。

而且,现在中国的旅游业发展迅速,成千上万的外国游客来中国旅行。但是,当我准备即将来临的高考时,我发现我们的大多数大学只提供旅游管理课程,但我知道旅游管理和酒店管理在理论上是有很多不同之处的。据我所知,新加坡是世界第2教授酒店管理最好的国家(瑞士酒店管理世界第一),况且贵国的治安良好。因此,当我高中毕业后,我来到了贵国求学。Question 3: How much do you know about our hotel?问题:你对我们酒店了解多少呢?因为是老师根据你在TAINING中的表现给我们派的酒店,所以在面试的3天前,我就知道了要去的酒店。

所以我上网查了有关HOLIDAY INN 以及他的集团 INTER CONTINENTAL的资料。又因为我面试的是FB DEPARTMENT,所以对他们当地的这家HOLIDAY INN 的 FB DEPARTMENT也要有所了解。Answer:I know Holiday Inn is managed by Inter Continental Hotel Group. And this group is the biggest hotel group which is based on its quantity(数量) of the guestrooms. FB department is the second biggest revenue (n.收入) generating department that generats the revenue around 15% to 30% for the hotel.How to generate(产生) this number? this need us provide the best service to our guests. Although I hent any working experience, yet i he good attitude to satisfy my guests. And we also must he a well-municating team to prerform our jobs. Integrity(正直,


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