

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Do要做的事Wear the right outfit: Make sure you know what the dress code is for the office. One good idea is to check with HR before the interview to get a feel of what you should wear.穿着恰当:你要了解办公室的着装。比较好的办法是面试前问HR,这样大概知道自己要穿什么。Bring copies of your rsum: Although youre sure the pany has your rsum, it never fails to bring copies of your just in case your interviewer needs to look at it and doesnt he it in front of her.带几份简历:虽然公司肯定有你的简历,但为防止出现面试官要看却没简历摆在面前的情况,多带几份总不会错。

He a nice folder for your rsum: Just so your rsum doesnt look like something cat dragged in, keep it in pristine condition in a professional-looking folder.准备个文件夹放简历:这样你的简历看起来不会像被猫揉过的,把简历放在文件夹里保持平整。He the appropriate body language: Be aware of how youre carrying yourself during an interview, because your posture, eye contact, and relaxed position can impress your interviewer. Remember to sit still and straight and dont fidget.身体语言要适当:注意自己在面试时的举动,因为你的姿势、眼神和淡定气质会让面试官印象深刻。

记住要坐直不要乱动,也不要不耐烦。Give the right answer to the weakness question: This could be the question that could trip you up. Be honest and give a real answer and not a cop-out one.说自身缺点时要坦诚:这个问题可能会让你摔跟头。请诚实回答不要逃避。Be on time or slightly early: Turning up five to 10 minutes early is the sweet spot for interviews. Showing up too early can make things awkward, and showing up too late is a red flag. But just because you only he to get there shortly before the interview starts doesnt mean that you can lee your house later. Plan to be near the interview spot a lot earlier than when it starts to account for unexpected delays like traffic, and hang around in a nearby coffee shop until its close to the interview time.准时或早到:面试提前5-10分钟到是最好的。

太早出现会很尴尬,迟到就要领红牌了。但只需在面试开始前一会到并不意味着你可以晚出门。考虑到堵车之类的意外,你还是应该早早到达面试地点附近,在附近的咖啡馆休息下,直到面试时间临近。Prepare the right questions for the interviewer: Make sure youve prepared a list of good questions to ask your interviewer at the end. Pay attention throughout the interview, so youll he questions related to what the hiring manager talked about. This shows that youre actively listening.准备好问面试官的问题:确保你准备了很多最后问面试官的好问题。

面试过程中要留心,这样你能问出和招聘经理所谈相关的问题。这能表现出你认真倾听。Send a thank you note: Always send a thank you note after the interview. This is something thats appreciated by a lot of recruiters. Its also your chance to make a final impression or clarify anything you didnt get around to in your interview.寄一封感谢信:面试后要发感谢信。很多招聘人员都欣赏这种举动。这也是个机会让你最后表现下自己或讲清面试中没时间表达的内容。

Dont别做的事Think the interview is over until you walk out the door: The interview will continue until you walk out the office door, so be careful of your behior and your words even when your hiring manager is done firing questions at you. Be polite and on top of your game when you are making casual conversation on your way out, and be nice to thereceptionist.以为出房门时面试就结束了:面试其实还在继续,所以就算招聘经理不再提问也要注意自己的行为和言语。

要礼貌,离开时的随意交谈也要留心,对接待员的态度要好。Get too relaxed: Your interviewer can seem like your long-lost BFF, but . . . shes not. And you shouldnt treat her like one. Its OK to be friendly, but youre still trying to make a good impression. Dont be too relaxed or you may slip up and do something thats unprofessional. Shes not going to base the interview solely on how likeable you are.太放松:面试官像你失散多年的好朋友,可惜她不是。你也不应该这么认为。

表现得友好当然没问题,但你还是要让她对你有个好印象。不要太放松,不然你会出错并做出不专业的事情。她不是根据你的可爱程度评价面试表现的。Badmouth your old job: Maybe you had a boss la Devil Wears Prada, but your hiring manager doesnt need to know that. Badmouthing your former employer just gives off negative vibes and detracts from your professionalism.说以前工作的坏话:也许你曾经有个魔鬼般的老板,但招聘经理不需要知道这个。

抹黑你的前雇主只会散发负能量,有损你的专业程度。Be unprepared: This should be obvious, but research the pany to death. This is so you can craft your answers to fit the kind of candidate theyre looking for and show that youre diligent and he done your homework.



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