
Event Sponsorship Proposal Cover Letter

01月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

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Respected Mr. Morris,

This is to bring to your notice that our anization is anizing an event to provide fun and entertainment to children of various orphanages. I would like to put forward a proposal to provide sponsorship for the event.

Our anization keeps anizing various charitable events for underprivileged individuals of the society. This time we he decided to bring some relief in the life of the orphan children. There will be a drawing petition followed by a song and dance petition for these children. This event aims to bring a smile on their face.

There are lots of expenses that are required to be incurred for the event and so in order to meet these expenses we would require sponsorship. As your anization is known for encouraging such charitable events, I would request you to provide a sponsorship of an amount of $50000.

I am looking forward to a positive reply from your end. I am enclosing details of the event along with the letter.


Tim Ben

Marketing Manager


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