Youre sitting in a job interview and everything has been going great. Youre feeling really good about how youve responded to all the questions so far. Then, the hiring manager asks, How much money do you currently make? or How much salary do you expect? Your heart races and you begin to sweat. How should you answer?你正在参加一场工作面试,而且事事都进行得顺顺利利。到目前为止,你对于刚才回答的所有问题感觉很不错。接着,这位招聘经理问道,你当前的工资是多少?或者你期望的薪资是多少?你的心跳加速,并开始出汗。
你应该如何作答?As a recent mentee discovered, the salary question can be a difficult topic to discuss if you hent already thought through potential responses. James (name changed) felt he had been close to being hired during several job interviews. Then the inevitable salary question came up and the hiring managers asked what James was making in his current position. He told the truth and, in both cases, the hiring managers responded that James current salary was more than what the position would pay。
正如近期一位学员所发现的,如果没有对对方可能的反应进行过充分思考的话,有关薪资的问题是一个很难讨论的话题。詹姆斯(化名)感觉他在几次面试中差一点就被录用。于是免不了就会谈到有关薪资的问题,这些招聘经理问詹姆斯目前的工作能挣多少钱。在这个问题上他都会实话实说,但有两次面试,这些招聘经理表示,在招聘的这个职位,薪水比詹姆斯目前的要低。Whats the best way to respond to the question of how much are you making in your current position? James asked me. I let both hiring managers know Im flexible with salary, but it seemed like once they heard what Im currently making, they kind of switched off and didnt consider me as a viable candidate anymore。
怎么样才能最好地回答目前我挣多少钱这个问题?詹姆斯问我,我每次都向招聘经理表示,在薪酬问题上是有商量的,但好像他们一听说我目前的薪资,就枪毙了我,不再将我作为合适的候选人。For job seekers, I tend to think of the salary question in terms of a poker game with the goal being to get the hiring manager (or HR rep) to lay down their poker cards on the table first. Thats because, as James found out, once you share a specific salary number, you might just he priced yourself too high (or too low) for the position。
对于求职者而言,我喜欢把回答薪资问题比喻成玩扑克牌,它的目标就是让招聘方先亮出底牌。其原因在于,正如詹姆斯察觉到的,一旦你暴露了具体的薪资数目,你就会陷入要价太高(或者太低)的境地。Here are tips to prepare for the salary question/discussion during job interviews:以下这些小技巧也许能为你准备面试时回答薪酬问题和进行对话提供一些帮助:Tip #1: Arm yourself with salary information.技巧一:用薪资信息武装自己。
Before you go to the job interview, spend adequate time conducting research to find out erage salaries and salary ranges for similar jobs in your area, industry and geography. Websites for salary research include: salary., payscale., indeed., careeronestop., glassdoor., and jobsearchintelligence.。在参加工作面试之前,预先做足功课,了解清楚那些与你的工作领域、行业和地域相似的岗位,薪资的平均数及上下浮动范围究竟是多少。在薪酬问题上有助参考的网站包括:salary., payscale., indeed., careeronestop., glassdoor., and jobsearchintelligence.。
Tip #2: Deflect the salary question if its asked early in the job interview。技巧二:在面试期间,如果薪资问题被过早的问到,那么要尽量转移话题。It will do you no good to tell the hiring manager how much you currently make or a desired salary range if you hent at least made it to the end of the interview to see if you and the hiring manager believe youre a good fit. Let her/him know youd like to better understand the job responsibilities and requirements and how well you meet those needs before discussing the salary topic。
如果在面试结束之前,还未能了解到你和这位招聘经理是否都认为你是一个合适的人选,告诉这位招聘经理你当前的工资水平或者期待的薪资范围对你没有任何好处。在讨论薪资问题之前,让他或她知道你希望更多地了解这位工作的职责和要求以及你将如何满足这些需求。Tip #3: Be prepared to provide a salary range。技巧三:准备提供一个大致的薪水范围。This can be handled in a few different ways. You could provide the salary range youve researched, as in, Based on my research, similar positions in this geography and industry are currently paying between $x and $y. Is this also the range for which youve budgeted for this position? Or, you could share the salary range you desire, such as, Based on the job requirements we discussed and my knowledge, skills and experience, I would expect the salary range of the position to be between $x and $y。
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