

03月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[礼仪英语中社交礼仪那点事]礼仪类是一个既基础又重要的部分,这个类别通常都有特定的表达和句型,若能熟记一些,职场中碰到这类话题,便也是从容自若了。 【重点短语】 1.on behalf of代表 2.extend/expressw...+阅读

1. Dont send a text, unless its urgent. When you send people a text, in most cases you will be interrupting them. The default settings on most mobile phones ring or vibrate when it receives a text message. So if you are going to interrupt someone, make sure you he a good reason.2. Dont send a text message if you can send an email. Every business professional I know checks his or her email at least twice a day and almost all of them prefer munication by e-mail rather than texting. For the most part, their reasons are time management based. People dont like being interrupted unless its urgent and they are more productive if they respond to all their messages during scheduled blocks of time. For most people its also more efficient to type messages on a puter rather than on a phone.3. Dont send a text if you should make a call. If you know that the subject of your message will require back and forth munication, either pick up the phone and call the person or if its not time sensitive, send an email requesting a specific time to talk. I also want to point out that business relationships are seldom built or strengthened through text messaging, so use it sparingly.4. Avoid texting people who dont text you. According to a Success Magazine survey, only 4% of the business professionals surveyed prefer texting to other forms of munication. If you he never received a text message from someone, consider that they may not like to text.5. Dont text bad news. If you he bad news to share with people, give them the courtesy of a call. Emailing or texting bad news is a cop out.6. Dont type in CAPS. Reading CAPS is harder and is generally referred to as YELLING!7. Dont assume people know what all the acronyms and text slang mean. Not everyone knows that ttyl means talk to you later or jk means just kidding. Say what you mean and make sure your messages present you as a business professional, rather than a texting junkie.8. Dont text during meetings. If you send or read texts during a meeting, your actions convey that the meeting is not important to you. After all, how can you focus on the discussion thats taking place if you are texting? It would be just like hing a verbal side conversation. Clearly inconsiderate and disrespectful.9. Use punctuation. Type your texts using the same punctuation you would use in your emails. Since these are business texts, make sure they present you well.10. Dont text after business hours unless theres a good reason. If you he something to share with someone after business hours, consider using email. If you want people to respect your family and personal time, respect theirs. You also run the risk of losing your influence if you dont respect peoples private time.11. Proof your messages. Take an extra few seconds and make sure you dont he any misspellings or improper language. Be proud of the messages you send.12. Get to the point. Since a text message is limited to a small number of words, get to the point in your message and keep it from spilling over into another message. If you he a lot to share, consider picking up the phone or sending an email.13. Include your name. Unless you are absolutely certain that the recipient of your text has your name plugged into their phone, add your name to the end of the message.14. Watch your tone. Make sure you pay close attention to the tone of your message. If you are upset about something, pick up the phone and call the person.15. Return text messages. If someone sends you a text, they expect a response in a reasonable period of time. Show that you are a responsible person by returning all messages in a timely manner.16. Dont send a text after leing a message. As a general rule, if you call someone, you should always lee a message. After leing a message, dont follow up with a text message unless it is URGENT. Consider that your call interrupted them once. You dont want your text to interrupt them a second time.17. Dont lee people hanging. If you are done with a text conversation, let the person know.18. Dont waste peoples time. Dont send unnecessary text messages. As an example, when a text conversation is clearly over, dont send another message. Once again, every text you send is likely to interrupt someones activity, meeting or train of thought.19. Show respect and courtesy. Whatever you do, consider how it affects those around you. Unless its urgent, oid sending texts when you are spending time with people.20. Not while you are driving. While this seems like mon sense, I am shocked by the number of people I see sending text messages in cars. Next to drunk drivers, distracted drivers are the second leading cause of fatal automobile accidents.


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