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[外企面试技巧的训练法](1)外企 面试 技巧讲座 (2)播映面试过程的录相带并讨论应试者的表现。 (3)安排模拟面试,邀请有经验的主试者组成面试团,提供实际的面试机会给学员,并于事后评论其表现,使其有所...+阅读

很多小伙伴问小韶,我要到外企面试,如何在英文简历表现自己?什么样的形容词最能恰如其分地展现自己的实力?今天我们就来看看,研究者们研究出了N个在英文简历上最最忌讳出现的单词,比如:dynamic有活力的、problem solver问题处理专家等等,这些空白无力而又略显得夸张甚至浮华的词语会让考官恶心,简历直接打入冷宫。有些溢美之词需要慎用!与其夸夸其谈还是藏在心底的好!

It seems that despite describing themselves as innovative, many workers are anything but as they resort to the same dull and dreary buzzwords in their CVs. The list was piled by business work LinkedIn which has 85million members, including more than four million in the UK. It found the term motivated is the most well-worn catchphrase in the UK pared to the U.S. where extensive experience is the most popular.

尽管在英文简历中,许多应聘者都运用具有创新能力 innovative来表现自己,然而考官在看了千篇一律的具有创新性的人才简历后,绝对不会相信一个和别人运用同样词汇innovative 来证明自己的人在现实生活中会是一个真正有创新思维的人。在针对全世界8千万应聘者的求职简历调查中,研究人员惊奇地发现英国和美国求职者使用率最高的词汇集中在2个词语上,其中超过400万英国人喜欢用motivated(积极)来形容自己,而美国人喜欢用extensive experience(具有广泛经验)来表现自己的能力。

Other unoriginal words that crop up include entrepreneurial and proactive said LinkedIn, which studied user profiles on its work. A spokesman said: These phrases can appear empty to a potential employer and may do more harm than good when you include them in your profile or resume.If youre using any of these ten terms, wipe them out.


The top ten no-nos are:

motivated (积极的)

extensive experience(广泛经验)


proven track record (可靠的工作业绩)


team player(团队合作者)



skill set (技能组合)

problem solver(问题解决达人)


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