

05月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文自我介绍信模板3篇]一份好的英文自我介绍信该如何去撰写呢?怎么才能把自己的优势和能力以及性格特点介绍出来呢?下面是小编搜集整理的英文自我介绍信模板,欢迎阅读,更多资讯尽在介绍信栏目! 英文...+阅读

Most any business card will he at least a name of a person or pany but there are other essential and useful elements of a good business card.


Name of Individual


Not every type of business card has to he the name of the individual but its a nice personalized touch. In a large anization it can be beneficial to the recipient to he the name of a specific person to contact. The name of the individual or the name of the business or anization is usually the most prominent text element of a business card.


Name of Business or anization


A business card almost always has a business or anization name on it. The name of the individual or the name of the business or anization is usually the most prominent text element of a business card. An anization with a highly recognizable logo might de-emphasize the business name (size and/or placement) but it is usually an essential piece of information.




A physical address or a mailing address or both are typical parts of a business card. If the pany does business exclusively online or by mail, a physical address might not be a key element to include. If both a physical and a mailing address are included, it may be desirable to label each one.


Phone Number(s)


Email Address


Web Page Address


Web addresses can be listed with or without the s: preceding the URL. As with email addresses, it is an essential element for Web-based businesses but increasingly important for any type of business.

网址可以以s: 加URL的形式印在名片上或者两者都不要。正如邮箱地址,这对于网络运营类的公司来说是必备元素,如今也正在其他商务领域越来越普遍。

Job Title of Individual


Not a required element, some entrepreneurs or sole proprietors might include President or CEO or some other title to give the appearance of a larger anization.


Tagline or Deion of Business


A tagline or brief deion can be useful when the business name is somewhat ambiguous or doesnt clearly convey what the business does. Taglines can also convey benefits and features.




A logo used consistently on business cards and other print / electronic materials helps to establish a panys identity.


Graphic Image(s) (including purely decorative elements)

Small panies without a logo may choose to use generic or stock images or custom illustrations that help reinforce what the pany does. Small graphic embellishments or boxes might be used to separate blocks of information.


List of Services or Products


A long list will usually clutter up a standard size or mini business card but when using two-sided or folded designs a bullet list of services offered or main product lines can extend the usefulness of the card.



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