

03月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[几个关于高效工作的建议]高效有时候并不需要什么,很多人在抱怨没有足够时间的时候,其中的潜台词是他们应该更专心。时间对每个人都是公平的,你需要的是不要浪费时间,并且专心。 防止浪费时间的窍门 If t...+阅读

municating in English effectively is essential in todays global economy.


But conveying your ideas clearly is a skill that needs to be learnt. Too often people simply copy the style of their co-worker and especially their superiors as they think this good English. You see examples in your in-box every day - emails that are difficult to understand and that you need to read over and over again to get the message.


A big mistake is to pad out your writing with unnecessary words and phrases. Remember that the purpose of your writing is to municate your ideas clearly.


Always try to reduce the number of words in your sentences and oid lengthy phrases that can be replaced with a shorter alternative. Here are some examples:


Instead of prior to use *before*

用before代替prior to

Instead of subsequent use *after*


Instead of in order to use *to*

用to代替in order to

Instead of in the event that use *if*

用if代替in the event that

Instead of with reference to use *about*

用about代替with the reference to

Instead of state of the art use *latest*

用latest代替state of the art

Instead of due to the fact that use *since*

用since代替due to the fact that

Instead of not later than 2pm use *by 2pm*

用by 2pm代替not later than 2pm

Instead of at the present time use *now*

用now代替at the present time

Remember about anisation as well. Use topic sentences to indicate what each paragraph is about. In addition, keep your emails short. No one likes to read an email 10 paragraphs long!


By using simple words and easily understood phrases you can improve the clarity of your message no end.



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