

06月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[护理面试问题答案]护理面试问题答案 1、手术后护士发现,只剩下六块纱布,而她记得明明是七块,医生却说我是主任还是你是主任,谈谈你的看法? 参考答案:首先应该肯定护士这种认真负责的态度是正确的,如...+阅读

1.Not researching the pany. Interviewers pay attention to who appears to he done their research and who doesnt. If you go into your interview not knowing basic facts about the pany, it will show. So before your interview, spend some time browsing the employers website. Spend 20 minutes learning enough about them that youre able to speak intelligently about the work they do and how they see themselves.


2.Not looking up your interviewers on LinkedIn. If you spend a few minutes reading your interviewers LinkedIn profile, you might find out that you both know Jane Smith, that you were both in the Peace Corps or that youre both from the same area of Ohio information you probably wouldnt otherwise he and which can help create rapport. You also might learn that your interviewer has a special interest or expertise in some particular area of the work you do, which you can then be sure to talk about when you meet.


3.Not checking to see if you he any connections in mon. LinkedIn is also great at letting you see what connections your work might he to the pany or to your interviewer. For example, if you discover that someone in your work used to work at the pany or is connected to someone who did, you can then reach out to that person for insight about the panys culture and key players.


4.Not practicing your answer to mon interview questions. Interviewers tend to he some overlap in the questions they ask, and there are some mon questions that you should always be prepared for, like: Why are you thinking about leing your current job (or why did you lee your last job)? What interests you about this opening? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What experience do you he doing each of the major responsibilities of the job? If you practice your answers to these questions until your answers flow smoothly off your tongue, youll generally do better in interviewers than candidates who dont prepare like this.


5.Not figuring out how youll talk about the topics that most worry you. If youre like most people, theres a topic youre hoping wont e up in the interview like why you left your last position or why you he so many short-term stays on your rsum. Whatever youre most nervous about, spend some time deciding exactly how youll answer it, and then practice that answer over and over. The more you practice, the more fortable youre likely to feel, and the better your answer is likely to be if the topic.ruiwen.e up. And speaking of questions people dont like to talk about


6.Not preparing to talk about salary. Its tough when an interviewer asks you what salary youre looking for without revealing anything about the range for the position, but its highly likely to happen, so the worst thing you can do is not prepare. If instead you just wing it, youre far more likely to lowball yourself or say something that es back to harm you in salary negotiations later. So make sure that you do salary research ahead of time and e prepared with numbers that the market supports.


7.Not ing up with your own questions for your interviewer. At some point, your interviewer is going to ask you what questions you he for them. This is an important part of the interview not only because the questions you ask say something about you, but because this is an opportunity to learn about whether this job and this pany are right for you or not. Good questions at this stage are clarifying questions about the role itself, details of the work and questions about the office culture.




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