

03月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文自我介绍信模板3篇]一份好的英文自我介绍信该如何去撰写呢?怎么才能把自己的优势和能力以及性格特点介绍出来呢?下面是小编搜集整理的英文自我介绍信模板,欢迎阅读,更多资讯尽在介绍信栏目! 英文...+阅读

1.When it es to resumes, and many other things, you cant look at every statement as black and white. You never want to outright lie on your resume, but you do want to paint the best picture of yourself. This sometimes means leing out certain information or finding the right angle for your experience。简历和很多其他事物一样,你不能把每一句描述都想象得黑白分明。你一定不想在简历上全盘乱写,但你一定想要描绘出你自己最好的形象。这有时候意味着省略掉某些东西,并寻找一个合适的角度来描述你的经历。

2,.Dont Include Your Entire Work History不要把你所有的工作经历都写进去3.Whether you he a short or long work history, you dont necessarily want to include all of it. If youre applying for a marketing position and youve worked as an intern and an associate in separate firms, but also as a cashier at a grocery store, dont pad your resume with the irrelevant job. Doing so wastes space that you can instead use to explain the good work you did at the actually relevant jobs。不管你的工作经历是长是短,你都没有必要把它们全都写进去。

如果你申请的是一份市场类的工作,而你曾经在不同的公司做过实习生和助理,也曾经在百货店做过收银员,请不要在简历上写那些无关的工作。这么做会浪费你原本能用在描述你在真正相关的工作上取得的成绩的空间。4.Conversely, you may want to lee off jobs (and other information) that make you look overqualified. You dont need an MFA to work in telesales or Vice President position to get a job as a programmer. Part of putting your best foot forward on your resume involves leing out the stuff that makes you look wrong for the position, no matter how impressive。

相反的,你或许还需要删去会让你看起来过于超过职务要求的经历(或者其他信息)。电话销售的工作并不需要你有MFA学位,程序员的工作也不需要你曾做过学生会副主席。向你的最佳简历迈进的重要一步就在于省略掉那些让你看起来和这份职位不相匹配的东西,不管这些东西有多么厉害。5.Dont Embellish Your Position, Explain It不要过分润色,只要充分解释6.You never want to lie about your position. While your work might imply a more robust job title, if a prospective employer calls your previous employer to ask about a position that doesnt exist, youll just seem like a liar. That said, you shouldnt discount the work you did beyond the call of duty. Sean Weinberg, co-founder of resume grading site RezScore, explains what to do in these circumstances:你一定不会想在工作经历上说谎。

虽然你可能会填一个非常高级的工作职称,但只要雇主给你的前任雇主打个电话,询问到一个根本不存在的职称时,你毫无疑问会被看做一个说谎者。这就是说,你不应该对工作经历作出言过其实的描述。简历评级网站RezScore创始人希恩-威伯格解释了在这种情况下该怎么做:7.Lets say you were an intern last semester. You worked really hard and you think, Hmm, I worked almost as hard as my manager, Ill just say that I had his title instead。

Sometimes a hiring manager catches this fib and sometimes they dont. If you were a hardworking intern, illustrate that with the bullet points below your title, not by lying about your position at the pany。我们假设你在上个学期做过实习生,期间你工作非常认真,于是你想:唔,我工作得几乎和经理一样认真,那我不如就写我做过经理吧。有时人事部经理会抓到这些小谎,有时不会。如果你曾经是一位工作勤奋的实习生,你就好好解释你职位上的要点,而不要在你的职位上说谎。

8.You can still call yourself by your correct title and explain only the great, relevant work you did. You dont he to include remedial tasks that made up most of your job if it doesnt apply to the job youre trying to get. Instead, you can lee out more of the irrelevant tasks and focus on the ones that make you look like an intelligent, hardworking prospect。你可以仅仅描述你真实做过的职位,并解释在这个职位上你所做的杰出、相关的工作。你不用描述和你当前申请的工作无关的那些支持性的工作。

相反,你可以忽略那些无关的任务,而关注于描述会让你显得像个聪明努力的候选人。9.All of that said, if you he a great relationship with the pany youve left (or plan to lee) and want to use a more impressive title, talk to your boss or manager about using one. They may allow you to use a more impressive-sounding title on your resume and play along when called as a reference if they like you. Perhaps theyll even award you that honorary title as a parting gift. If your boss or manager approves, its not really a lie。

这一切说明,如果你和你离开的(或计划离开的)公司有着良好的关系,而你想要使用一个更夺人眼球的职称,你可以和你的老板或经理商量一下能不能使用。他们或许会允许你在简历上用一个听起来更高级的职称,并且在被要求当证明人时替你圆谎。或许他们甚至会把那个荣誉职称授予你作为离职礼物。如果你的老板和经理同意,这就算不上是一个谎言。10.Temporarily Lie About Skills You Can Learn暂时对那些你可以学的技能说点小谎11.Do you know Excel? Probably not very well if you hent touched it since 2004, but that doesnt mean you shouldnt include it on your resume. If you can spend a night learning what you need to know before you need to know it, you can claim proficiency in a skill you dont really he。



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