

11月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Respected pany leaders:


My name is xxx, aged xx years old, from Liaoning Province, is the xx school xx professional graduate xx. Today, I am It is with feelings of calm and excitement brought to the written submissions of the. The reason why calm, my knowledge and ability will not let you down, will be worthy of your choice; reason for excitement, I decided to e among you, no regrets of youth to achieve mon glory. Here, I can not give you any authority to produce a letter of remendation for finding a job for me, but also could not get a pile of pile of award certificates to do for my chips, but can only rent-own more than a decade to study hard The results and the hard-working nature of the foundation stone for me to do, if I he any advantages, it is that I was young.

In school, I seriously study, hard work, and strive to do their work in student and class work, accumulated a great deal of work experience, so that their good physical and psychological qualities. In recent years I he tried to learn professional knowledge, from the basics of various courses starting work hard to master their basic skills, techniques, through careful research, and to seek its inherent laws, and he achieved good results had been second-class scholarship in master of expertise on the basis, I also self-respect of some knowledge of puters, such as: puter general trouble-shooting, word processing and desktop publishing ... ...

Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. So I used the summer i

nternship period to Arima Electric circuit wiring and troubleshooting, but also installed in 31 secondary schools, language lab of the circuit. I would also like to go to the library after school hours for students services, the library and reading room, I learned a lot in all aspects of knowledge. Only if a person applied to intelligence work in practice, serve the society is conducive to the munity so that effective and efficient to prove himself in order to truly reflect their own values! I firmly believe that the road is a step by step out of the past. Only down to earth, work hard in order to make more excellent results!

Devices will test the prophet of its Li Dun, Ma will then know-good inferior horse riding. I am sure: as long as I've found a pivot, the entire pla will be able to Lever, as long as the soil give me one, I will be the life of the young cloud cultivation, You can not only see my success, and can be harvested throughout the fall. This is my self-confidence and ability to mitments.

Jian-ming PCT, the period of the order to sound. Look forward to my Sincere-inch grass heart, a deep sincere love to work with you to breathe the same air, a mon fate with the development and progress. Please give me a chance to lead, I will use actions to prove himself.

Finally, I sincerely wish your pany has developed, flourishing.

Fan of this interview Self-remendation write warm, fully embodies his enthusiasm and desire to work can be remended as a self-interview Pham Van reference.


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