

03月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[阿根廷的商务礼仪]阿根廷的商务礼仪,必须穿保守式样的西装。若在餐厅吃晚餐,也要穿西装,结好领带,一副绅士模样。即使你是外地来的观光客,也绝不例外。 外国人经常以服装取人,如果衣履不整,他们就认...+阅读

Mom and Dad taught us some basic etiquette rules to follow at the table: keep your mouth closed while chewing, dont talk with your mouth full and keep your elbows off the table. Although that last one may no longer be very important, the others still are, especially when it es to what not to do at a business lunch. In addition, there are other rules to follow. They may seem to be simply a matter of mon sense but given what the author has seen of late, that modity seems to be in short supply.


1. Dont Floss Your Teeth

1. 别剔牙。

While theres no arguing the importance of dental hygiene, tending to it should never be done in public.


2. Dont Brush or b Your Hair

2. 不要梳头发。

Nobody wants hair in their food and when you run a b or brush through yours.


3. Dont Blow Your Nose

3. 不要擤鼻涕。

While were on the topic, if you sneeze at the table, go to the restroom to wash your hands.


4. Dont Talk on the Phone

4. 别打电话。

If you get a call, go elsewhere to take it, but only if its a good time to do so. If you and your dining panions are in the middle of discussing something important, wait for the best opportunity to lee the table.


5. Dont Continuously Text

5. 别无休止地发信息。

Staring at your screen while sharing a meal is impolite. If you get a text that can be quickly answered, go ahead and do itone time. Otherwise, wait for a chance to excuse yourself and then reply.


6. Dont Burp

6. 别打嗝。

In some circles, burping indicates that you he enjoyed your meal. While the cook may appreciate the good news, your fellow diners probably wont.


7. Dont Apply or Fix Makeup

7. 别化妆。

The rules of etiquette dictate that makeup not be applied at the table especially in the case of business meals.


8. Dont Be Rude to the Waiter or Waitress

8. 别对服务员不礼貌。

Many people consider it a big red flag when they observe someone being rude to waitstaff or other service workers. They see it as a sign of how that person will ultimately treat them. Whether this is true or not is irrelevant if it lees them with a bad impression of you.


9. Dont Eat Anything Other Than Finger Food With Your Fingers

9. 除了小点心,不要用手拿其他的食物。

10. Dont Make a Negative ment About Someone Elses Food


If you dont like the looks of someone elses meal, ert your eyes from their plate and enjoy your own food.



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