

06月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[护理面试问题答案]护理面试问题答案 1、手术后护士发现,只剩下六块纱布,而她记得明明是七块,医生却说我是主任还是你是主任,谈谈你的看法? 参考答案:首先应该肯定护士这种认真负责的态度是正确的,如...+阅读

Its the most feared question during any job interview: Can you tell me about yourself? Before I share a list of 10 memorable answers, consider the two essential elements behind the answers:


The medium is the message. The interviewer cares less about your answer to this question and more about the confidence, enthusiasm and passion with which you answer it. The speed of the response is the response. The biggest mistake you could make is pausing, stalling or fumbling at the onset of your answer, thus demonstrating a lack of self-awareness and self-esteem.



I can summarize who I am in three words. Grabs their attention immediately. Demonstrates your ability to be concise, creative and pelling.


The quotation I live my life by is Proves that personal development is an essential part of your growth plan. Also shows your ability to motivate yourself.


My personal philosophy is panies hire athletes not shortstops. This line indicates your position as a thinker, not just an employee.


People who know me best say that Im This response offers insight into your own level of self-awareness.


Well, I googled myself this morning, and heres what I found Tech-svy, fun, cool people would say this. Unexpected and memorable.


My passion is People dont care what you do people care who you are. And what youre passionate about is who you are. Plus, passion unearths enthusiasm.


When I was seven years old, I always wanted to be An answer like this shows that youve been preparing for this job your whole life, not just the night before.


If Hollywood made a move about my life, it would be called Engaging, interesting and entertaining.


Can I show you, instead of tell you? Then, pull something out of your pocket that represents who you are. Who could resist this answer? Who could fet this answer?


The pliment people give me most frequently is Almost like a testimonial, this response also indicates self-awareness and openness to feedback.

Keep in mind that these examples are just the opener. The secret is thinking how you will follow up each answer with relevant, interesting and concise explanations that make the already bored interviewer look up from his stale coffee and think, Wow! Thats the best answer Ive heard all day!


I understand your fear with such answers. Responses like these are risky, unexpected and unorthodox. And thats exactly why they work. When people ask you to tell them about yourself, make them glad they asked.




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