

03月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[面试销售员自我介绍优秀]面试少不了自我介绍,下面是小编整理的面试销售员自我介绍范文,欢迎阅读参考! 面试销售员自我介绍一我是来自上海交通大学市场营销专业的XXX。我喜欢读书看报,因为它能丰富我的知...+阅读

Mark:Hello, Ms Carmichael. Please sit down. Would you like a cocktail?

Vicki:A dry martini, please. You can call me Vanessa. May I call you Mark?

Mark:Of course. Now, if you dont mind, Vanessa, Id like to discuss some business before dinner. As the executive summary in my proposal shows, I think our new line of graphics workstations are exactly what you need. In fact, theyre less expensive and more powerful than your stated requirements.

Vicki:No problem with that, Mark, but I question your objective of using a new operating system. That means new software and retraining.

Mark:Most of your existing software will work on the new system. The new software takes full advantage of our hardware and operating system bination, and will give your users the tools they need to increase productivity.

Vicki:I do like your proposed methodology of implementing in three phases. Thats important for easing the impact to our users. Now, based on the assumption that they will need more power again in a few years, I need lots of expansion capability. Our capital expenditures on hardware and software he mushroomed over the last 5 years, and my CEO wants me to rein in our costs.

Mark:Youll be able to upgrade at relatively low cost to cover all your needs for the foreseeable future. Our hardware is very reliable, and the service contract gives you 24-hour on-location service for a full 3 years. Our growth impact studies show that cash flow expenditures over a 5-year period should be 35% less than other high-end workstations on the market.

Vicki:Thats music to my ears, Mark.Looks like we can do business together. Cheers!


以下谈话发生在一个商务宴会上。一家计算机制造商的代表Mark Didson正在和一家大IT企业的采购部经理 Vicki Carmichael讨论一个商业建议。


Vicki:我要一杯干马提尼酒,谢谢。你可以叫我Vanessa。我可以叫你 Mark吗?








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