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[2015职称英语最后几天如何复习]词汇选项 词汇选项这种题型基本上是属于送分题。考试中通常是给出一个例句,然后在这个句子中的某个单词上划个横线,让考生在A、B、C、D四个选项中选出这个划横线单词的同义词...+阅读

A Football Club

During the 1970 season, the club played 42 matches: of these, 34 were League and Cup games, and the remainder were friendly matches. In the League, the Club finished in third place, two points behind the champions. Out of 28 League games, 16 were won, 8 were drawn and 4 were lost, whilst the Club managed to reach the semi-final of the Challenge Cup for the first time in its history. Of the eight friendly matches, four were won, two were drawn, and two were lost, but these defeats were at the hands of visiting teams whose standards were generally much higher than those of players of this area.

At the same time, the standard of play shown by our own team was markedly superior to that seen in previous years, and this success is largely due to the intensive training programme which has been supervised by the team captain. In this connection, the provision of adequate training facilities must remain a priority, and the erection of an indoor gymnasium or hall in which the players can practise on wet evenings is essential. It would do much to supplement the outdoor training being carried on, and would help the Club in the recruitment of younger players.

There are now 28 players registered with the Club, and many more he asked to join but he been discouraged by the fact that the Club fields only one team. With the improvement in the financial position, concerning which the Treasurer will report in a minute. I suggest that the mittee consider entering a team in the Second Division of the League.

1. How many Cup matches did the Challenge Club play?

A) 34

B) 6

C) 8

D) 42

2. What reason does the speaker give for the Clubs improved playing record?

A) The provision of adequate training facilities.

B) The erection of an indoor gymnasium.

C) The intensive training under the team captain.

D) The low standards of the visiting teams.

3. In the second paragraph, this connection refers to

A) an indoor gymnasium.

B) An indoor hall.

C) The team captain.

D) The intensive training programs.

4. The mittee may enter a team in the Second Division of the League because of

A) its improved financial position.

B) Its better training facilities.

C) Its improved playing record.

D) Its ambition to bee famous.

5. The tone of this report is

A) objective.

B) Unfriendly.

C) Pessimistic.

D) Critical.

参考答案: BCDAA

The Visually Impaired Person

Visual impairment (损害) carries with it a reduced or restricted ability to trel through ones physical and social environment until adequate orientation and mobility skills he been established. Because observational skills are more limited, self-control within the immediate surroundings is limited. The visual impaired person is less able to anticipate hazardous situations or obstacles to oid.

Orientation refers to the mental map one has of ones surroundings and to the relationship between self and that environment. The mental map is the best generated by moving through the environment and piecing together relationships, object by object, in an anized approach. With little of no visual feedback to reinforce this mental map, a visually impaired person must rely on memory for key landmarks and other clues Landmarks and clues enable visually impaired person to affirm their position in space.

Mobility, on the other hand, is the ability to trel safely and efficiently from one point to another within ones physical and social environment. Good orientation skills are necessary to good mobility skills. Once visually impaired students learn to trel safely as pedestrians (行人) they also need to learn to use public transportation to bee as independent as possible.

To meet the expanding needs and demands of the visually impaired person, there is a sequence of instruction that begins during the preschool years and may continue after high school. Many visually impaired children lack adequate concepts regarding time and space or objects and events in their environment. During the early years much attention is focused on the development of some fundamental concepts, such as inside or outside, in front of or behind, fast or slow, movement of traffic, the variety of intersections, elevators or escalators, and so forth. These concepts are essential to safe, efficient trel through familiar and unfamiliar settings, first within buildings, then in residential neighborhoods, and finally in business munities.

36 What is the author mainly talking about in the passage?

A Visual impairment and memory.



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