

12月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com


1。 We specialize in the export of Japanese Light Industrial Products and would like to trade with you in this line。鉴于我方专营日本轻工业产品出口业务,我方愿与贵方在这方面开展贸易。 2。 Our lines are mainly arts and crafts。我们经营的商品主要是工艺品。 3。 We have been in this line of business for more than twenty years。 我们经营这类商品已有二十多年的历史了。 4。 Your letter expressing the hope of establishing business connections with us has met with approval。

来函收悉,得知贵方愿与我方建立业务关系,我们表示同意。 5。 In order to acquaint you with the textiles we handle, we take pleasure in sending you by air our latest catalogue for your perusal。 为了使贵方对我方经营的纺织品有所了解,特航寄我方最新目录,供细阅。 6。 We express our desire to establish business relations with your firm。我们愿和贵公司建立业务关系。 7。 We shall be glad to enter into business relations with you。

我们很乐意同贵公司建立业务关系。 8。 We now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you with a view to entering into business relations with you。 现在我们借此机会致函贵公司,希望和贵公司建立业务关系。 9。 We are now writing you for the purpose of establishing business relations with you。我们特此致函是想与贵方建立业务关系。 10。 Your desire to establish business relations coincides with ours。

你方想同我方建立业务关系的愿望与我方是一致的。 11。 We've come to know your name and address from the Commercial Counselor's Office of the Chinese Embassy in London。 我们从中国驻伦敦大使馆的商务参赞处得知你们的名字和地址。 12。 By the courtesy of Mr。 Black, we are given to understand the name and address of your firm。 承蒙布莱克先生的介绍,我们得知贵公司的名称和地址。

13。 We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm。我们愿意与贵公司建立业务关系。 14。 Your firm has been introduced (recommended, passed on) to us by Maple Company。 枫叶公司向我方介绍了贵公司。 15。 Our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result in important business。我们之间的相互了解与合作必将促成今后重要的生意。 16。 Glad to see you in your company。

很高兴在贵公司见到您。 17。 It's only half an hour's car ride。只有半小时的车程。 18。 Suppose we make it, say three o'clock tomorrow afternoon。 如果我们能去的话,那么就明天下午三点钟吧。 19。 It would be very helpful if you could send us statistics on your sales。如果你们能将你们的销售统计资料寄给我们,那可就太有帮助了。 20。 We would like to ask you to kindly send us the related information。




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