
McKinsey screen resume

11月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[一点心得Mckinsey]一点心得Mckinsey 本科毕业的时候并不知道什么是咨询业,当时一心觉得最酷的事情就是去GE,SIEMENS这样的地方,什么咨询,投行,统统没去看一眼。等到慢慢明白过来,其实这样的行业也不...+阅读

In general, McKinsey will review all resumes ing in from proper channel. This include direct email, school resume books etc. They rarely review resume submitted after deadline. You are required to act professionally from the very beginning. The resume will first pass through the HR. They will screen out the obvious resume: mediocre school, mediocre grades, working for non-top pany in the industry etc. They consultants will read your resume. Normally, two people will read the resume, one specialize at the school that the candidate es from; one represent the offic

e the candidate is applying. They are looking for 4 things: 1. Academic excellence (Award, GPA etc) 2. Leadership experience (Social activities, especially leading roles) 3. Drive to excelence (Always wants more, contiued improvement) 4. Personal impact (less important in resume screening) The best candidate is what we called unsecured over-achiever. It means that you are an over-achiever - successful in everything you do; and you are still un-satisfied with your achievement and want more and working hard for it.

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