

01月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[怎样介绍自己做一名班长]敬爱的老师、亲爱的伙伴们: 大家好! 今天我能荣幸地站在演讲台上发表讲话,感到非常的自豪,当然,这也少不了同学们的支持与老师的关心和鼓励! 班长是一个许多同学们都向往的职位,需...+阅读

I'm ****,***years old.I'm from ****.I will concentrate on the study and reserch in this field. first i will hard to learn the theoritical knowledge,constucting a solid base for my future work; second i would like to do some practical work with the help of the supervisor ang classmate .and through this ,i can get something that cannot be acquired from the textooks. i believe after 2 years of learning ,my dream will finally come true.. I am a local person.I am graduating from **** University . I major in Chinese literature. I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in **** University which I have desired for a long time. I have the confidence because I have such ability! I am a girl who is fervent, outgoing and creative. At the same time, I think I am quick in mind and careful in everything. I am looking forward to my postgraduate studies and life. I will soon prove that your decision of choosing me is the wisest. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity! I think we will get well with each other,OK? 这个应该比较适合你,若果还有其他需要,再跟我 要~很乐意为你服务!



帮忙翻译一下我英语一点也不会这是一个外企英语笔试试题1。描述一下你怎样想出一个新的解决方案克服了相当困难并最终把问题解决?(不超过1000个字) 2。描述一下你不得不去说服那些很难被说服的人的,你怎么做?(不超过1000个字) 3。请描述...

有没有人可以教我怎样写一份完整的自我介绍要很全面200字以内1.开门见山,简明扼要,不要超过三分钟。 2.实事求是,不可吹得天花乱坠。 3.突出长处,但也不隐瞒短处。 4.所突出的长处要与申请的职位有关。 5.善于用具体生动的实例来证明自己,说...

化妆师自我介绍怎么说范文参考因此,做好自我介绍前的准备工作也很重要。下面提供化妆师自我介绍范文供参考! 化妆师自我介绍前的准备工作 第一点:化妆师一定要根据自己的工作性质进行整体的自我包装,你的服饰...



中学生最简单的英文自我介绍要比较简单Hi,everybody? (大家好) I'm ___ from ____primary school. (我叫——从——小学毕业。横线添上你的名字和小学的名字,发音和中文一样) I'm thirteen now, I love playing Intern...

根据要求写一篇简单的英语自我介绍My name is .... I do not speak English good! I like to watch TV and online shopping, shopping with friends on weekends ,I like to watch movies. I hate the rain,...

简短的自我介绍英文中文翻译Hello everyone, I'm XXX, 12 years old, this year from hunan endowment xing, attended endowment encouraging city a loud, I like reading, painting and writing. Th...
