

01月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一篇高铁英语面试词我叫郑楠 16岁女生]尊敬的各位考官、各位评委老师: Dear examiner, judges: 能够参加今天的招聘面试,对我来说,是幸运而又珍贵的。 To participate in today's interview, for me, is lucky and p...+阅读



Tell It Often 经常练习

Knowing this ahead of time, it's wise to put in the time beforehand to work on your answer to this question. Pick your best example of how you went above and beyond in your job. Work on your story to perfect it. Set the scene, describe the challenge and describe your role and the successful conclusion. Use this as an example of how you use your particular set of skills in an extraordinary time to give it your all and produce a clear benefit to your employer. 既然已经知道这个问题,聪明做法是提前练习作答。选择一个最能说明你如何在工作中超水平、超范围发挥的例子。通过练习来让回答变得完美。设定好情景,描述你遇到的挑战和你的角色,以及最终的成功。用这个例子展现你在不寻常的时刻怎样利用自己的能力竭尽全力给雇主带来了明显的利益。

Since no other candidate can duplicate your own personal story here, you'll make a memorable impression. Not only that, but quite possibly you'll pull yourself ahead of that perfect candidate who preceded you. 由于别人的故事不可能和你的一模一样,所以你会给面试官一个深刻的印象。不但如此,很可能你还会超过此前某位完美的应试者。


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