

01月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com


1.What's your name?

2.How old are you?

3.What grade are you in?

4.What colour do you like?

5.What animal do you like?

6.What's your favourite toy? A car.

7.What's your favourite colour? Red.

8.What's your favourite fruit? An apple.

9.What's your favourite animal? Pandas.

10.What's your father? He is a policeman.

11.What's your mother? She is a doctor.

12.How old is your father(mother?) 38.( 39. 40. 41.)

13.Do you like swimming? Yes,I do.

14.Do you like football? Yes,I do.

15.Does your father(mother) like watching TV? Yes,he(she) does.


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