

11月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Know the pany.了解公司

Your knowledge of the prospective employer will contribute to the positive image you want to create. Research the pany before the interview. Talk to others who work there; ask for information about the firm and for a job deion when the interview is set up; use the Inter and your local library鈥檚 reference books on public and private anizations.

Know the job.了解所应聘的职位

Learn everything you can about the job you're interviewing for and how your previous experience and training qualify you for this position.

Know yourself.

Review your resume before the interview to he it fresh in your mind, because it will be fresh in the mind of the person who interviews you. Better yet, he it in front of you on the table.

Prepare questions of your own.准备好自

己要问的问题Employers are as interested in your questions as they are in your answers. And they'll react forably if you ask intelligent questions about the position, the pany and the industry. (Examples: Where does this position fit into the pany as a whole? Is there any problem on this job with waste/accuracy/meeting quotas, etc.? What is the largest single problem facing your staff now?).

Get the big picture.

Visualize the entire interview, from start to finish. See yourself as performing with style and confidence. How will the interview end? Will you get a job offer or be called back for a second interview? How much salary do you want? What kind of benefits? The research you do ahead of time will give you an idea of what to expect.

Be ready for any eventuality.


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