

01月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[工作签证Job Offer的样本]Date Name 加拿大技术移民流程Addre Addre Dear Reporting Relatiohip: The position will report to: Job Deion is attached. Base Salary: Will be paid in bi-weekly it...+阅读

:在美国的学习为短期行为,在中国有经济、家庭、事业上强有力的联系,会在学习结束后回中国。 B:自己有学术能力完成学业,并有经济能力完成学业,在美国期间不会被退学,不会外出打工。 美国签证面试的主要目的就是博得VO信任,赢得好感,签证的时间基本在2~5分钟,在有限的时间内,要充分的展示自己。 下面,小编详细解读美国留学签证面试问题。

1) 对去美国的目的提问。 What will you study in the United States? What will you do in USA? What are you going to study in USA? What are you going to do in USA? Are you going to study in USA? What do you want to study in USA? ANS:I will study for my Ph。 D in Mathematics in the University of Florida。 2) 对学习专业提问。 What is your major? In what aspect of。 your major will you study? ANS:My major of undergraduate and graduate study is Applied Mathematics。

I will continue to study Mathematics for my Ph。D。 in the University of Florida。 My specified field of study will be Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling。 (2) 选择这所学校的原因 Which university do you plan to attend? Why did you choose the school? What do you think of …university? (3) 学习的期限 How long do you plan to stay in America? How long will you stay in US? (4) 申请几所学校 How many schools did you apply for? (5) 专业及主攻方向 Why do you choose this major? Which major? Which degree will you pursue in America? What will you study in the United States? What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study? What will you do in US? Why did you choose…as your major? Please explain in detail why you chose… university in academic standards。

Can you give a real-life example of your topic? (6) 怎么知道的这所学校 How do you know about this school? Why do you receive financial aid from。 。。 university? (7) 现在的工作 What do you do in China now? (8) 经济状况和奖学金 How can you afford to pay that sum of money? How much is your monthly salary? What kinds of scholarship will the school offer you? How much is your parents' salary? What do you parents do? (9) 毕业后经济状况 How much will you earn after graduation? (10)托福和GRE以及GMAT成绩 What is your TOEFL and GRE or GMAT score? (11) 家庭的纽带 What does your spouse do? Are you married? What do your parents do? (12)毕业后的工作打算 What will you do after you get your degree? What are you going to do after your graduation? What are you going to do after you get your degree? (13)政治观点 What is your opinion about Sino-US relations? Are you against the US? (14)出国经历 Have been abroad? What countries have been to? (15)拒签原因 Do you know why you were denied last time? (16)是否要求更换面试签证官 Do you agree to let other officer deal with your application?。


美国签证面试技巧大全提前准备好充分的签证材料 面谈之前,必须提前充分准备好所有签证材料,其中包括护照原件、身份证原件、签证申请表,预约确认单及照片、在职证明,公司营业执照复印件加盖公章,结婚...

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赴加拿大留学签证面试会问那些问题LQLYZ1027 您好, 首先希望我的信息可以对您有所帮助,其次非常高兴又有位学生要去加拿大留学了. 加拿大虽然属於北美且与美国经济体制还有社会制度有些相似,但在留学方面却很不...

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美国留学签证官面试的问题有哪些呢一、学生身份和学习动机 面试之前,签证官会在你所提交的材料上看到你的学生身份,所以,在面试之前,学生身份的确认比较简单,但要说清楚自己的学习动机则稍显困难些。对此,你应该清...

问下美国F1签证办理流程和面试问题续签流程和材料是怎么样的申请美国留学签证(F1签证)流程如下: 1.填写留学签证申请表格(DS160) 去中信银行交纳申请费 电话预约签证面谈时间 2. 签证面谈 主要注意衣着得体,一定要保证守时,另外语言方面要求...


美国mba签证面试有什么技巧1、要掌握一定情感技巧 美国本科留学签证面签时要注意要尽量拉近与考官之间的距离,让面试的交流氛围变得轻松愉快。在谈话时,眼睛要直视对方,不要目光游移不定,这会影响考官对你...

美国L1签证面试流程应该注意什么一、美国签证面试时个人行为注意事项: 从进入签证大厅开始, 你的所有举止表现都将在签证官的观察掌握之中, 所以请务必注意自己的仪表和言谈举止,不要与其他的申请人交头接耳,安...
